THE TABLET s i W eek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 161. No. 4859.

L o n d o n , J u n e 24, 1933.

S i x p e n c e .

R eg is t e r e d at th e General P o st Of f i c i as a Newspapb»


New s and No t e s ................. 777 Armagh Virumque . . . 781 An Unknightly Knight . . . 782 R e v ie w s : Cycles ............................ 783 Konnersreuth and Beauraing ................. 783 Fabri, Otherwise Peiresc 784 For the Holy Year . . . 785 New Books and Music . . . 786 Douai A b b e y ............................ 786 The Catholic Women’s League ............................ 786 A New Benedictine Foun­ dation in S u s s e x ................. 787



From The Tablet of Ninety Years A g o .............. . . . 787 “ The Cradle of Our Chris­ tian ity ............................ 788 The Catenians a t Buxton . . . 789 Com in g E v e n t s ...................7 90 Obituary ...............................7 90 St. Augustine’s, Hammer­ smith, Consecrated . . . 790 Correspondence : Romo (Our Own Corre­ spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 793 Northampton’s New Bishop 794



Caste Hindus and Conver­ sions ....................................... 794 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul . . . .............. 795 Federation of Guilds of the Blessed Sacrament . . . 796 Ch e s s .......................................... 796 ET C iETERA ...............................79 7 Catholic Education Notes 798 Catholic Evidence Guild in Tokyo ............................ 798 Or b i s T errarum : England ............................ 799 Scotland ............................ 800 Wales ............................ 800



Or b is T errarum ( C o n t d.) Ireland 800 Austria 801 China 801 De Oriente . . . 801 Fiji Is la nd s . . . 802 France 802 Germany 802 India 802 Japan 802 Madagascar 802 Spain 802 Syria 804 Soc ia l and P ersonal 804 Books Received 804

NOTANDA Welcome words from Ireland. Cardinal MacRory on “ Two Isles which God has set together, and Man has kept apart ” (p. 781).

The See of Northampton’s New Bishop. Some jottings on the Diocese and its towns (pp. 794 and 797).

Grave developments in Germany. Fears of a Kulturkampf (p. 780).

Sir Richard W infrey’s disproved, but unrepented libels upon Catholic monks and nuns. An exposure of this Unknightly Knight (p. 782).

The Catenians at Buxton. A long report (p. 789). Glastonbury. The Bishop of Clifton’s appeal for a National Church over “ the Cradle of Christianity ” in England (p. 788).

Benedictine progress. The opening of part of Douai’s abbey-church. A new Benedictine foundation in Sussex (pp. 786 and 787).

Andorra and San Marino. The troubles of two tiny Republics (p. 780).

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul. A retrospect (p. 795).

NEWS AND NOTES B EFORE the Economic Conference opened, there was talk of a close understanding between Great Britain and the U.S.A. The English-speaking peoples were to be partners and leaders in the task of world-recuperation. During the few days last past, this prospect has become blurred. Washington seems to be reverting to a " Home First ” policy which may pull her back into Isolationism and therefore into a protraction of her own and the world’s troubles. In such an event, our Entente with France would be revivified and would operate more briskly than of late in financial and economic fields.

New Series. Vol. CXXIX. No. 4,258.

Midsummer Week is holiday-time ; yet we are able to chronicle to-day many new proofs of Catholic activity. The Benedictines alone are giving thanks for two important developments. On Tuesday, the first part of New Douai’s abbey-church was solemnly opened : and on Wednesday we received from the Abbot of Downside a welcome letter con­ firming the report that there is to be not only a Preparatory School in Sussex but also a Priory, which may soon become an Abbey. I t is an open secret th a t the monks of Downside did all th a t was lawfully possible to buy back the vast and noble remains of Milton Abbey, in Dorset, for the Catholic Church ; but the Bishop of the Anglican diocese in which the building stood was dogged in his resolve to thwart the sons of St. Benedict. For the present, he is rejoicing in an unenviable t r ium p h ; but neither he nor anybody else can be sure th a t Our Lady of Worth’s intercession will not retrieve Milton after all.

More than two columns of our space were given last week to a review of Mr. T. P. Ellis’s fine little book on the Catholic Martyrs of Wales. We have now to report a sequel. Our able contemporary, the Western Mail, of Cardiff, handed the book to the Protestant Dean of Monmouth, who promptly wrote a review in which he made use of what Mr. Ellis justly calls " one of the most gigantic falsehoods which have ever crossed the pages of history.” The Dean revived the mean old story th a t the Martyrs were executed “for high treason and for implication in conspiracy against the Queen’s life and the govern­ ment of this realm.” In a spirited reply, Mr. Ellis repeats th a t “ not one of the Welsh Martyrs suffered save for his religion,” and he challenges the Dean to produce even one piece of evidence to show th a t any of the Welsh Catholic Martyrs was concerned in such conspiracies. The Dean of Monmouth’s lame rejoinder admits th a t “ particular instances ” cannot be specified, but he declares th a t there was a “ prevailing impression ” of Catholic disloyalty. Deans ought not to conduct serious controversy on such lines.