THE TABLET y l Weekly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v ie w
From the Brief of His Holiness Phis IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
V o l . 16 1. No. 4858.
L o n d o n , J u n e 17, 1933.
S i x p e n c e .
R e g is t e r e d a t t h e General P ost Of f ic e a s a New spaph b
New s and Notes . .. Page .. 745 Six and Sixty Nations . .. 749 Bullies in Bavaria . . . .. 749 R e v i e w s :
The Welsh Martyrs .. 750 The Lost Leader ... .. 751 North American History 752 Books Received .. 752 New Books and Music . .. 753 T r i n i t y P astorals : Westminster .. 754
.. 755
From The Tablet of Ninety
Years A g o ............................ 756 The St. Vincent de Paul
Society ............................ 756 Roger B a c o n ............................ 758 Catholic Education Notes . . . 758 Ch e s s ...........................................759 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’ s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 761 H.E. Cardinal Bourne . . . 763 The World Economic Con
ference ............................ 763
Catholic Evidence Work in
Korea ............................ 763 The Association of Convent
Schools ............................ 763 Mgr. Gonne’s Silver Jubilee 763 Coming E ve n t s ...................763 E t Cæ t e r a ...............................7 64 L e tters to the E d i t o r :
Hospital S u n d a y ................. 765 The Liverpool Broadcast 765 Flags for F l y i n g ................. 765 “ Epistola ad Romanos ” 765 Ordinations 765
Douai A b b e y ................ Page . . . 766 Federation o f Guilds of the
Blessed Sacrament . . . 766 Ob it u a r y ................ . . . 766 Orb i s Terrarum :
England ................ . . . 767 Scotland ............... . . . 768 Wales ................ . . . 768 Ireland ................ . . . 768 Austria ............... . . . 770 China ............... . . . 770 France ................ . . . 770 India ................ . . . 772 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 772
NOTANDA Politics on the grand scale. The K ing ’s address to the Economic Conference. A “ token ” payment on acount o f Britain’s War-Debt (p. 7 4 9 and p. 745).
Ugly doings in Munich. H ow Nazi bullies broke up the annual Parliament o f an old-established Catholic Society (p. 749).
The St. Vincent de Paul Conferences. A London celebration o f the Centenary (p. 756).
Count Plunkett’s Tardy Tale. A rejoinder from the O sserva to re R om ano (p. 745).
The Abbey Church at “ New Douai.” Some notes on the building at Woolhampton (p. 766).
“ The German Church.” A Tablet note-writer makes a friendly objection to a misleading phrase (p. 748).
Britain’s Militant Atheists. A welcome disclaimer from Mr. W . H. Kerridge (p. 747).
The Welsh Martyrs. A n Extract from the Bishop o f Menevia’s fine Preface to a good book (p. 750).
NEWS AND NOTES OOM E o f the headlines in last Thursday’s news^ papers— for example, “ Britain Freed from War-Debt Shackles ’ ’— were premature. What had happened ? President Roosevelt, trusting us to remember that he cannot commit his country’s Parliament, had handsomely expressed his personal opinion that Britain would not be a defaulter if, instead o f fully discharging her mid-June War-Debt obligation to the U.S.A., she (i) made a token-payment o f $1 0,0 00,0 00, and (ii) reaffirmed the acknowledgment o f her indebtedness. There will be keen disappointment in Great Britain and dismay throughout the world if Congress decides to sterilize what ought to be a fruitful act o f the President ; but Mr. Roosevelt, in that unhappy event, will not have deceived us in any way.
N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXIX. No. 4,257.
His Majesty’s Ministers worked like Trojans this week. Mr. Neville Chamberlain especially deserves the thanks'of his country. I f he has slept four hours out o f each twenty-four, we do not know how he has managed it ; because there has been his great speech to the Economic Conference as well as his long and hard negotiations on the Instalment.
Once more we receive from the Lord Mayor of London a reminder that to-morrow will be Hospital Sunday. No less than 245 institutions (some of them Catholic) share the money put into the Hospital Sunday alms-bags and plates. His lordship’s letter is in our correspondence columns.
Count Plunkett’s tardy allegation concerning Pope Benedict X V was briefly, but conclusively mentioned in the Osservatore Romano o f June 9th. A Constant Reader o f our Vatican City contemporary wrote to the paper drawing attention to Count Plunkett’s statement in the Irish Press and received a reply in very plain words. The Osservatore began by saying that the Constant Reader had rightly discerned the groundlessness (infondatezza) of the story, and went on to remark that it had seen in the London Times the tale told by Count Plunkett but had regarded it as undeserving o f a reply, seeing that the Count had not brought it into the daylight until seventeen years after the alleged interview with Pope Benedict X V and eleven years after the death of that Pontiff. Moreover, said the Osservatore, the allegation is inconsistent with what we know of the late Pope and is “ in open contradiction ” with his gentleness, with his lively desire for peace and with his determination to do everything possible against the shedding o f blood. Moreover a document exists which shows how Benedict X V telegraphed, through his Secretary of State, to the Archbishop o f Armagh expressing his deep concern at the events o f April, 1916. Thus is confirmed, from the most important source, the Note which we published on June 3rd, when we said that we did not admire Count Plunkett’s action “ in debiting the Pontiff, long after his death,” with this untimely story.