THE TABLET y i W eek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V ol. 161. No. 4855.

L o n d o n , May 2 7 , 1 9 3 3 .

S i x p e n c e .

Re g is t e r e d at th e General P o st Of f i c e as a New s pa per

New s and Notes . . . Page . . . 649 The Two Conferences . . . 653 The Half-Empty Car . . . 653 The Catholic Clergy and Popular Education in Ireland in 1825 . . . . . . 654 Episcopal Engagements . . . 655 R e v ie w s :

Gloriously Reigning . . . 655 The Mystical Body . . . 655 Some Quarterlies . . . . . . 656 The Saint of the Wartburg .............. . . . 657



Books Received ................. 657 New Books and Music . . . 658 Catholic Education Notes 658 Dr. Cowgill’s Golden Jubilee 659 The Matrimonial Causes Bill ....................................... 660 The New Church a t Dollis H i l l ....................................... 662 H un t and Others v. Oratory School Association and Another ............................ 662 A Roll of Converts.................662 Ciie s s ...............................66 3


Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Correspondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 665 L e t t e r s to t h e E d i t o r :


Diocesan Censures . . . 666 Two Pelicans .................667 Cyclists and Red Rear Lights ............................ 667 Obituary ...............................66 7 The Catholic Land Move­ ment ....................................... 667 The Holy Coat a t Trier . . . 668 Liverpool Cathedral . . . 669


E t Cæ t e r a ........................... 670 From The Tablet of Ninety Years Ago .............. .. 671 Coming E v en t s .. 671 W i l l s ........................ .. 671 Orb i s T err arum : England .............. .. 672 Wales ...................... .. 672 Ireland ...................... .. 672 British E ast Africa .. 673 France .............. .. 674 Malta ...................... .. 674 Spain ...................... .. 674 Tibet ...................... .. 676 So c ia l and P ersonal .. 676

NOTANDA The world’s mood of optimism. A Tablet leaderw rite r u tte rs a word of caution (p. 653).

“ P laying w ith Red fire,” The Holy See’s rebuke to a newspaper in P a r is (p. 649).

A B irth -P reventionist error. How a shrinkage of population must involve a dim inution of jobs (p. 651).

Russian tim ber and Russian fu rn itu re . A preposterous discrim ination (p. 650).

Half-em p ty cars on Days of Obligation. A Tablet suggestion renewed (p. 653).

“ Envoys o f Rome ” in England. A canard shoo’d out of the window (p. 652).

The story, in outline, of the Holy Coat a t T rie r , w ith illu strations of the relic and the city (pp. 668-9).

A present-day educationist describes the work of the Catholic clergy fo r popular education in Ireland in the early years of the nineteenth century (p. 654).

In Parliam ent. The unfinished speech by Dr. O ’Donovan against the M atrim onial Causes Bill (p. 660).

Reviews reviewed. Good reading fo r Catholics in some of the cu rren t Quarterlies (p. 656).

NEWS AND NOTES O UR first Note th is week will allay th e anxiety of m any Catholics who have been asking us to expose and rebuke a practice which one of th em calls " playing w ith Red fire.” By voice and pen, certain persons from whom we h ad expected loyalty and prudence have been giving currency to opinions more appropriate to th e sham “ Catholic Crusade ” of a few P ro te s ta n t clergymen th a n to th e tru e Catholic Church. We mean th a t th ey have been expressing sym pathy w ith Bolshevist ideals and adm ira tio n for Bolshevist achievements, insufficiently qualified by detestation of Bolshevist errors

N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXIX. No. 4,254.

and misdeeds. To-day, we shall no t nam e any p a rtic u la r w rite r, speaker or periodical ; because we sincerely t r u s t th a t th is wanton “ playing w ith Red fire ” will cease when i t is known t h a t our Holy F a th e r has taken note of it. We may regard as official an article in la s t Monday’s Osservatore Romano which rebuked L ’Aube, of Paris, for p ub lishing a Muscophil ou tb u rst. On Thursday, th e Catholic directors of L ’Aube made a suitable amende. Let those p r im a rily concerned see to it th a t th ey do no t b rin g discredit upon our own country by weakening th e Sovereign Pontiff’s defence against th e Red Plague.

On T r in i ty Sunday a fo rtn igh t hence, le t us all breathe an ex tra p rayer for th e Catholics of China. On th a t day, th e Sovereign Pontiff will himself consecrate, in St. P e te r ’s, th ree more Bishops of pure Chinese blood. One of th e Bishops-elect is the son of a Chinese m o th er who died a m a r ty r for th e F a i th during th e Boxer Rebellion. In th is connection i t is w o rth noting t h a t there are now 1,563 native p riests in China who work alongside 2,235 priests from Europe and from th e Americas. T h ir ty years ago, th e Catholic clergy in China, bo th native born and foreign, barely exceeded one th o u sand, all to ld . Since 1902, th e Catholic la i ty have increased from about 700,000 to 2,562,742. Yet the three decades la s t p a s t have abounded in events calculated to estrange th e Chinese from a religion which has its Visible Head in a European country. Im agination halts before th e prospect of a g reat Catholic movement in C h in a ; b u t , th e more im agination falters, th e more should p ray e r wax bold.

Much will be made of certain figures which a representative of th e B ritish W a r Office has ju s t presented to th e N a tio nal Defence Expenditure Committee of th e D isarm am ent Conference. Mr. K enneth Lyon to ld h is Geneva hearers t h a t th e W orld-E xpenditure on defence in 1930 am ounted to 22,000,000,000 Swiss francs, or nearly £900,000,000