s i W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the B r ie f o f H is Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 161. No. 4853.

L o n d o n , M a y 13, 1933.

S i x p e n c e .



News and No t e s ................. 585 Life More Abundant . . . 589 Divorce Without Co-respon­


The Restoration of Bessa-

rion’ s House in Rome . . . 591 From The Tablet of Ninety


Years A g o ............................ 591 Coming Events ................. 591 Reviews :

Learning and Knowledge 592 From Ennius to Rapin... 593 The Land of the Lion-

Hunters ............................ 594



New Books and Music . . . 595 Catholic Action .............. 596 Obituary .............. 598 Marriages .............. 598 St. Laurence’s Petersfield 599 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ......................... 601 Catholic .Education Notes . . . 602 Grace D ie u : The New

School ......................... 603


The Birmingham Eucharis­

Page tic Congress . . . 603 Et Ca s t e r a ............................ 604 Ch e s s ....................................... 605 Books Received ................. 606 Holy Trinity, Sutton Cold­

field ....................................... 606 W il ls ............................ 606 Letters to the Editor :

A Call to General Prayer 608 A Point of Exegesis . . . 608 The Tablet and “ The

Gods ”


Letters ( Contd.)

The Versailles Club Flags for Flying . .. Orbis Terrarum :

England .............. Scotland .............. Ireland .............. C h ile ......................... France .............. India .............. Italy .............. Spain .............. U.S.A......................... Social and Personal

Page ,.. 608 .. 608

. . . 608 . . . 610 . . . 610 . . . 610 . . . 610 . . . 610 . . . 612 . . . 612 . . . 612 . .. 612


An appeal from the Holy Father. How all his children can help his apostolic work (pp. 589, 599).

Attacks on Marriage. Dr. O ’Donovan’s noteworthy speech in the House o f Commons. A decision o f the French Courts favouring concubinage (pp. 588, 589).

Two Voices. How our Muscophils cry “ Down with War ” in Hyde Park and applaud the sabrerattling o f Moscow (p. 586).

Austria’s future. Her new Constitution’ s Catholic basis. A Christian Republic’s need o f support (p. 586).

A Tablet reviewer weighs a new Life o f Christ and finds it wanting (p. 592).

The golden jubilee o f his lordship the Bishop o f Leeds. A note in anticipation o f next Friday’s rejoicings (p. 604).

The call to Catholic Action. Points from the speeches at last week’s great demonstration at Kensington (p. 596). *

A striking new church in the Midlands. Holy Trinity, Sutton Coldfield, described and illustrated (pp. 606-7).

NEWS AND NOTES 'C 'A S T flows Paschal-Tim e : as fast as the flood egrediens de templo. In three weeks, the Feast o f Pentecost w ill be fu lly com e. F o r England, and indeed for all Catholic Christendom, the W h it suntide o f 1933 w ill be made memorable b y an impressive event. W h it Monday, unliturgically known as Bank H o lid ay, is to see laid the foundation -stone o f a huge church— a cathedral which will riva l or surpass in scale such world-fam ous piles as those which d ign ify Milan and Seville and Cologne. I t is to be h oped that m any Catholics who have leisure and means fo r the jou rney w ill be in L iverpool on the D ay. The great c ity on the Mersey can herself accom m odate a throng o f visitors ; and there are neighbouring towns (some o f them , such as Chester, o f h istoric interest) which can lodge m any more. I t is true that the actual rite m ay in v o lv e a little fatigue and d i s c om f o r t ; bu t this ought n o t to frighten our younger Catholics. Those w h o attend w ill be p roud, when the Cathedral is rising towards com p le tion , to say that they saw its first stone blessed and laid.

Prayers w ill be breathed in abundance not on ly fo r the success o f the L iv erpool cerem ony as a whole, bu t particularly fo r the Papal Legate. Francis, Cardinal Bourne, has been graciously chosen b y the Sovereign Pontiff to represent H is Holiness on this resounding o c c a s i o n ; bu t the strength o f H is Eminence has been sapped b y grave illness, and he w ill need to husband it with meticulous care if he is to sustain the h eavy burden and discharge the multiform du ty which a Legatine commission imposes. H appily the Cardinal has a nature sensitive to sym pathy, and the knowledge that he is one o f the best beloved and most p rayed-for men in England w ill be a potent medicine or, in the exact sense o f the word, a cordial, helping him back to full health and vigour.

F or the benefit o f readers whose knowledge o f German is to seek, it m ay be explained that the tw o w ords Volkischer Beobachter (the name o f Herr H itler’s own party newspaper) mean The P eople’s Observer. A t this moment, there is a great deal for the Herr R edaktor to observe. He has ju st seen in the colum ns o f the Vienna Reichspost— a Catholic paper— the m ild statement that official visits o f Nazi statesmen to Austria are not desired at this juncture. The v ery gentle hint has been enough to set the Berlin paper a-blaze, like tinder. The Beobachter calls its Vienna con tem porary’s w ords “ a monstrous insult,” and warns the Austrian Government “ to realize before it is to o late the incalculable consequences o f Government support being given t o this infam ous campaign b y infam ous

N ew Series. V o l . C X X IX . No. 4,252.