A W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 161. No. 4843.

L o n d o n , March 4, 1933.

S i x p e n c e .

Registered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper.


New s and No t e s .................. 257 Justice for J a p a n ................. 261 Dom Jeannin’ s Theories . . . 262 From The Tablet of Ninety

Years A g o ............................ 262 L enten P astorals : Westminster ................. 263 R e v ie w s :

S. Albertus Magnus . . . 264 Blessed John Houghton . . . 264 Et Incarnatus Est . . . 265 “ Baptized” Latin . . . 265 The Pilgrim’s Way . . . 266



New Books and Music . . . 266 Sermons for the Times . . . 267 The Crusade of Rescue Ball 268 Catholic Education Notes . . . 269 London Matriculation

Results ............................ 270 Coming E vents .................. 270 Ob it u ary .............................. 271 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 273


Ordination at Oscott . . . 275 E t Ce t e r a ...................... 276 Ch e s s .................................... 277 “ Greater Limerick” . . . 277 Sacrilege at Northfields . . . 279 Books Received .................279 Orbis Terrarum:

England ............................280 Ireland ............................280 Austria ............................282 Belgian Congo ................. 282


Orbis Terbabum (CJontd.) British West Africa . . . 282 Canada ......................... 282 Ceylon ......................... 282 China ......................... 282 France ......................... 282 India ...................... 284 Poland ......................... 284 The Sahara ................. 284 Spain ......................... 284 Social and Personal . . . 284


The Far East. Some points in the Tapanese case (p. 261).

Church Music. A rectification. The H o ly See’ s attitude to the mensuralist theories o f the late Dom Jeannin, O.S.B. (p. 262).

Blessed John Houghton, Proto-martyr o f the English “ Reformation.” His L ife and Times (p. 264).

The new Passionist foundation in Lancashire. The Archbishop o f Liverpool’s sermon fo r the opening o f St. Gabriel’ s Retreat (p. 267).

An unsatisfactory debate in the House o f Commons on the British Broadcasting Corporation (p. 258).

“ Greater Limerick.” A verbatim reprint o f Professor O ’ Rahilly’ s so-called reply to The Tablet (p. 277).

All Saints’ , Manchester. A visit to the church o f the Rev. Etienne Watts (p. 258).

Irish Bishops on the Communist peril to their own country (pp. 260, 280).

NEWS AND NOTES O NCE again, the swift-m ovingymbren, or circuit of the Four Seasons, brings us an Ember Week. Ember Saturday is loathed by many lay Catholics, because it lays upon us two successive days of abstinence. We suggest that readers o f these lines who have the leisure shall try the experiment of making next Saturday a day to be remembered gratefully rather than to be endured dolefully. Those Catholics who live within reach o f a cathedral or collegiate church where there is High Mass every day, and who also belong to the now large class of men and women who are unemployed on Saturday mornings, ought to use their opportunities next Saturday ; and those who are less favourably

N ew Series. Vol. CXXIX. No. 4,242.

situated ought to make time for reading the Ember Saturday Mass-Proper at home. W ith its five Lessons and its many Graduais and Collects it is a deeply interesting survival from the more pious days when the faithful used to spend the whole night in prayer and psalmody and in hearing Twelve Lessons read in Greek and in Latin. This long Proper slowly climbs up to the summit of Mount Thabor and to the excellent glory o f the Transfiguration.

To-morrow the electors o f Berlin will go to the poll in an atmosphere still sharp with the tang of smoke from the burning o f the Reichstag building. Last Monday, incendiaries gained entrance to the granite pile. They soaked the carpets and inflammable woodwork with petrol and were thus able to start a destructive blaze. According to an English newspaper correspondent, Mr. Sefton Delmer, who states that he was at the Chancellor’s elbow during the worst of the conflagration, Herr Hitler described the outrage as “ a God-given signal ” and said that there would henceforth be nothing to hinder him from crushing out Communism “ with an iron fist.” We have no doubt that this partial burning o f the Reichstag will bring a great many extra votes to the Nazi and Nationalist candidates to-morrow. On the other hand, the extremely harsh measures taken by Herr Hitler against both Communists and Socialists may provoke a reaction against the Chancellor.

Writing to us a few hours before the Reichstag fire began, a member o f the Centre committed himself to an optimistic forecast o f to-m orrow’s result. His prediction was to the effect that the people will not give Herr Hitler and Herr Hugenberg a clear majority o f seats in the new Parliament. As for the Hitlerite threat to make light o f any Parliamentary situation which is inconvenient to Nazism, our German friend affirms his confidence in President von Hindenburg. He says that Germans trust the President to stand loyally by the Constitution to which he has pledged his oath. He adds that the future o f the Centre Party is b r ig h t ; the more so