y l W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From, the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 1 6 1 . No. 4 , 8 3 5 .

L o n d o n , J a n u a r y 7 , 1 9 3 3 .

S i x p e n c e .



New s and No t e s ................ 1 “ To Defend Communism ” 5 The “ Marche des Rois ” . . . 6 The Kings ......................... 7 Cardinal Bourne .............. 7 R e v i e w s :

Further A d v i c e .............. 7 Der Alte F r i t z .............. 8 Skull-and-Crossbones . . . 9 Vienna’s Heyday . . . 9 Books Received .............. 9 New Books and Music . . . 10 Mass for the Needs of the World ......................... 10


E p is c o p a l E xgagemens . . . 1932: A Glance in Retro­

spect .................................... Coming E vents ............... Catholic Education Notes ... Ob it u ary ........................... Correspondence :


11 12 14 14 15

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’ s Weekly Letter from) ......................... The Carillon at Saltley ... E t Ce t e r a ........................... 20

17 19

L etters to the Ed it o r :


“ Certain Charities ” . . . 21 Performing Animals . . . 21 Church Music .............. 21 From The Tablet of Ninety

Years A g o ......................... 22 London Examination Results 22 Or b is Terrarum :

England ......................... 22 Ireland ......................... 22 JEther ......................... 23 Australia ......................... 23


Okbis Tebbabum (Conili.; Canada 24 Chile 24 China 25 France 25 Germany 26 Indo-China 26 Spain 26 W i l l s . . . 28 The Oratory at Mayfield ... 28 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 28 Ch e s s . . . 28

NOTANDA The H o ly Year. A full translation, by The Tablet’s Rome Correspondent, o f the Sovereign Pontiff’s address (p. 17).

“ Nineteen-thirty-three.” A New Year begins with gun-fire in the East and no joy-bells in the West (p. 1).

“ Nineteen-thirty-two.” A glance at some happenings during the past year (p. 12).

The British Broadcasting Corporation’s bad start. H ow Poland has been taunted and how a pro-Muscovite is to “ defend Communism ” (p. 5).

Unemployment. H ow explorers may become discoverers in England’s green and pleasant land (P- 4). . o

Catholics in the New Year Honours list. Some knighthoods and other distinctions (p. 20).

“ Anti-God ” in Britain. The Militant Godless organize a British Section and announce a Congress (P- 2).

Russian timber again. The Soviets’ friends and helpers appear to win a round (p. 2).

NEWS AND NOTES S HANHAIKWAN’S long name means “ The Gate ’ twixt Mountains and Sea ” ; and this proud title does not exaggerate the town’s importance in strategy. The Gate bestrides the Corridor which joins Northern China to Southern Manchuria, and the conqueror who forces it from the East can press on to Jehol where the Manchu Emperors held their Summer Court in the heyday of their power. During this week, Japanese forces have battered Shanhaikwan ; but it is hard to say whether the trouble was a petty local clash or an important move in a very big game. China’s representative at Geneva takes the gloomier view, and declares that, if the League o f Nations cannot or will not hold Japan in .leash, China may be forced into “ a new orientation,” by which he

N ew Series. Vol. CXXIX. No. 4,234.

probably means an arrangement with Moscow. To ourselves, it seems that European statesmen ascribe insufficient importance to the personality o f Manchukuo’s Chief-of-State. A man who was once Emperor o f China must not be belittled as the puppet of Japan. I f Jehol and Peking were brought into a Greater Manchuria, their ruler would be a Prince who has held sway over those regions before.

Country Members o f the Dail, the Irish Free State’s Second Chamber, woke up last Tuesday morning to find that they were Members no longer. Just after Monday’s midnight, Mr. de Valera and his closest associates had decided that the Dail elected as recently as last Spring must be dissolved immediately. The worried President o f the Executive Council sent for Dublin’s journalists in the small hours o f Tuesday morning and told them that there is to be a General Election on January 24.

Three main factors have worked to convince Mr. de Valera that he cannot go on any longer with the 1932 Dail. In that body he has never com manded a clear majority o f votes, but has had to depend upon seven members o f the official Labour Party in order to carry out policies of the first importance. This was an impossible state o f things ; and therefore the Fianna Fail leader has resolved to stake his political future upon an appeal to the electorate, in the hope o f winning an independent and decisive majority for his own Party this time. The second factor is the revolt of Mr. Norton and the other Labour Members who have hitherto supported Mr. de Valera in Parliament. I f the present Dail had been allowed to survive until February, the Government would almost certainly have been defeated before the session was a week old ; so there was no point in keeping it alive. As for the third factor, in our opinion it is the most powerful o f all. In a brief Note last week The Tablet spoke o f ‘ ‘ a vigorous re-shuffle of the political cards ” in the Free State and expressed the hope that “ Democracy in the Saorstat may soon be restored to its own.” We were alluding