THE TABLET y i W e ek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

Vol. 160. No. 4,834. London, December 31,1932.


R egistered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper.




R e v ie w s :

News and No t e s .............. 869 New Books and Music . . . 880 A Holy New Y e a r .............. 873 The Roman Journey 881 “The Wireless ” .............. 874 A True Tale o f an Altar “ Chez Nous, Chez Nous” 875 B o y .................................... 882

“ 0 , Crux, Ave ” .............. 883

Cardinal Bourne .............. 883

The Congo Forest Dwarfs 877 Scott’ s Letters .............. 878 Correspondence : Sermons by Dr. Campbell 878 Rome (Our Own Corre“ Forty-Five ” .............. 878 spondent’s Weekly Letter A Millennial Antipathy ... 879 from) ......................... 885

The Martyrs of the Vener

Books Received .............. 880 abile .................................... 887




E t Cæ t e r a ......................... 888 Orb i s Terrarum Catholic Education Notes 889 England Scotland . . . 892 . . . 892 From the T a b le t o f Ninety Ireland . . . 892

Years A g o ......................... 890

Belgian Congo

Ob it u ary ........................... 890

L e t t e r s to t h e E d it or :

The League and Russia 890 France

Religious Instruction in

Schools ......................... 890 Poland

Church Music .............. 890

Belgium Canada




Coming E vents

“ One and Fifty Voices ” 891 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 896 W il l s ......................... 891 Ch e s s .............. . . . 896

. . . 893

. . . 893 . . . 893

. . . 894

. . . 894

. . . 894

. . . 894

. . . 8 9 5

. . . 896

NOTANDA A H oly Year Extraordinary. The Vicar o f Christ decrees an Annus Sanctus in honour o f the nineteen hundredth anniversary o f the Sacred Passion (pp. 873, 883).

Cardinal Bourne’s recovery and return. His Eminence on his way to England (p. 883).

“ The Wireless.” A Tablet promise fo r 1933 ( P. 874).

Russia and Religion. The Coyness o f the League o f Nations Union (p. 870).

“ Our incomparable Liturgy.” A L ow Churchman complains that the Book o f Common Prayer is now Uncommon in the Establishment’s worship (p. 871).

W ill there be Catholics in President Roosevelt’s Cabinet? (p. 871).

Forty-one Martyrs o f the Venerable English College. A list and a request (p. 887).

NEWS AND NOTES T HIS is the last day of what publicists are calling an Unhappy Old Year. But if the privatists were not debarred, ex officio, from public disputation, they would have a brighter tale to tell. Industrial and commercial prosperity has turned a cold shoulder to this year’s w o o in g ; but hard times have made soft hearts and many a straitened mortal has been more truly happy in 1932 than in the years of fatness. Statesmen have sulked or quarrelled, and rivals have sharpened their claws ; but, from January to December, Love has made the world go round as of yore. In thousands o f Catholic churches to-night the faithful will sing Te Deum laudamus. They will not laud their Maker for temporal gifts, such as money and care-free leisure, but for “ His unspeakable g ift.” In face o f the

N e w S e r i e s . Vol. CXXVIII. No. 4,233.

most desperate adversaries that Holy Church has ever known they will cry “ Thou art the King of Glory, O Christ! ” and they will end with the trustful prayer “ Let us never be confounded.” The things we have lacked in 1932 are as nothing in comparison with the things that have remained.

Vexilla regis prodeunt. Christ’s Vicar on Earth meets the threat o f “ the Militant Godless ” by raising aloft the Banner o f the Cross. In hoc signo is Victory. It will be our duty and our privilege to show in these pages, week by week, how the Cross can rid our world of its obstinate griefs and perplexities. This we shall humbly try to do, not in a rhetorical way but by practical applications o f that Christianity which boasts the Cross as its symbol.

Last Tuesday, the Daily Mail boldly gave its place-of-honour to an excellent article by Father Martindale on the newly-decreed Holy Year.

A bit o f small and closely circumscribed but significant peace-work was accomplished by our Holy Father on the Feast o f the Nativity. From Christmas Eve until Christmas Night, hostilities were suspended between the opposed forces of Bolivia and Paraguay. For four and twenty hours, the soldiers on both sides could walk about, fearless of the sniper’s bullet, the field-gun’s shell and the aeroplane’s bomb. Unhappily the contending States appear to have resumed the c on f lic t ; but the Sovereign Pontiff is earnestly entreating them to lay down their arms and to settle their dispute by more rational and Christian means. Bolivia and Paraguay could save their faces by accepting a proposal which has come from a responsible quarter. They are asked (i) to demobilize their forces, leaving the Gran Chaco to be policed by a gendarmerie recruited from both countries ; and (ii) to let three eminent geographers (one English, one French and one Spanish) settle the delimitation of the wild regions over which they are wrangling.

During or just after their dinners on Christmas Day, His Majesty’s loyal subjects heard the powerful