_4 W e ek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
V o l . 160. No. 4,823.
L ondon, October 15, 1932.
Six p en c e .
R eg is tered a t the General P ost Off ic e as a New s p a p e r .
New s and No t e s ................. 493 The Union Jack in Ulster 497 “ Anti-God” in Mexico . . . 498 The Catholics o f Northern
Ireland ............................ 498 The Lingard Society . . . 500 R e v i e w s :
Two Thousand Years of
London ............................ 501 A Strange Theory of the
Exodus ............................ 501 Everyman— Himself . . . 502 In Search of Hope . . . 502
New Books and Music . . . 503 Encyclical Letter . . . 504 From The Tablet of Ninety
Years A g o ............................ 507 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 509 An Unspeakable Sacrilege 510 Et Ce t e r a ............................511 Catholic Education Notes . . . 512 Two New S c h o o ls ................. 512
Catholic Secondary Educa
tion ....................................... 513 London Matriculation
Results ............................ 513 Coming Events ...................5 13 Ob it u ary .............................. 514 W i l l s ...............................5 14 Catholic Women’s League 514 Or b i s T errarum :
England ............................ 515 Scotland ............................ 515 Ireland ............................ 516 ¿Ether ............................ 516 Belgium ............................ 516
Or b i s T errarum ( Oontd.)
Ceylon ............................ 516 Czechoslovakia ................. 518 Finland ............................ 518 France ............................ 518 Mexico ............................ 518 Poland ............................ 518 Spain ............................ 518 Yugoslavia 518 Consecration of St. Mary’s,
Bradford ............................ 520 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 520 Ch e s s ....................................... 520
NOTANDA The Mexican Persecution o f the Church. A full translation into English o f the Encyclical Acerba animi (p. 504).
Ulster. An Englishman resident in Belfast describes the practical disfranchisement o f Catholics in the Six Counties. The regular abuse o f the Union Jack (p. 498).
Great Pyramidism again. A Tablet note-writer suggests that house-to-house sales o f Catholic pamphlets ought no longer to be considered impolitic (p. 495).
N o Prayers fo r the K ing in an Anglican parish church. More about Sneyd (p. 495).
New Catholic schools, primary and secondary. Reports o f opening ceremonies from North Staffordshire, Harrow, and Haverstock Hill (pp. 512-13).
Rejoicings to-day at St. Mary’s, Clapham; and the reason therefor (p. 511).
The progress o f the Catholic W om en ’ s League. A move accomplished (p. 514).
Catholic education in Ceylon. The fine record o f St. Patrick’s College, Jaffna (p. 511).
NEWS AND NOTES I F any reader o f this paragraph lacks leisure, let him skip our own “ News and Notes ” and spend all the time he can spare in studying our Holy Father’s Letter to the Archbishops and Bishops of Mexico which is printed, in an English translation, on a further page o f this week’s Tablet. Even a hasty reading o f the Sovereign Pontiff’s brief Encyclical will convince those who take it up without prejudice that a wanton persecution has been let loose in Mexico. Of course, the anti-Christian Government which has made the trouble is putting forward the stale old plea that it is not attacking
N ew S e r ie s . Vol. C X X V I I I . No. 4,222.
liberty of conscience but is defending the State. The same cowardly excuse was made b y the rulers who put the earliest Christian Martyrs to death ; indeed, the Crucifixion itself was explained on the ground that anybody who opposed it was “ no friend to Caesar.” Fortunately for the cause o f truth, the hollowness of this plea in the present instance has been revealed b y a speech which the outgoing President of the Mexican Republic delivered last month. An extract from that speech is printed in the second of our editorial articles this week, and it proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the atheists who now wield usurped power in Mexico, under an arbitrary Constitution, are doggedly set upon the extinction o f Religion in every shape and form. W e hereby emphasize the point made in our article ; namely, that it will be grossly untrue to represent the present conflict in Mexico as a revolt against “ Sacerdotalism.” It is a coldly planned campaign, on Russian lines, against Christianity in general; and no Christian man in this country, whether he be Protestant or Catholic, can defend it without sharing in its guilt and shame.
When the Bishop o f a single Catholic diocese in England opens, within the brief space o f twentyfour hours, two new blocks of school buildings in two parishes, which have cost ¿11,000 and £26,000 respectively ; and when he states publicly that, having regard to our country’s financial straits, Catholics will not press the Government for redress o f the injustice which they h a v e en d u red so long ; then only poltroons will deny that English Catholics are superior in practical patriotism to those associates o f Sir Thomas Inskip who circulate at byelections leaflets with the slogan “ Vote Protestant This Time.” The two schools to which we now allude are at Harrow and at Haverstock Hill. As Cardinal Bourne said in declaring these costly buildings open, Catholics receive less from the State than other people “ because they teach one subject more ” than is taught in the schools built entirely out o f public funds. The additional subject is