THE TABLET y i Weekly N ew sp a p e r a n d R e v iew


From the B r ie f o f H is Holiness P iu s I X to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 159. No. 4,804. L o n d o n , J u n e 4, 1932.

S i x p e n c e .

R eg is tered at the General P ost Otfice as a New spa per


N ew s and No t e s ................... 717 D ropping the P ilo t . . . 721 W ith God or A gainst God? 722. Charles B u tle r ................... 723 R e v i e w s :

V edantin Ontology . . . 724 Old I r e la n d ’s C athedrals 724 The P i ty of I t ................... 725 B ad Language ............... 726 “ B y A ir ” ...................... 726 New Books an d Music . . . 726 Encyclical L e tte r ....................728



Obituary ............................... 730 Catholic Education Notes . . . 730 F rom The Tablet of N inety

Years A g o ................................731 School Sports ................... 731 Co r r e s p o n d en c e :

Rome (O u r Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from ) ................................7 33 Coming E vents ................... 734 Ch e s s ............................................7 35 D r . Downey’s Silver

Jubilee ............................... 736

P resen ta t io n to the B ishop

Page of C l i f t o n ................................73 6 The R iverw ay P ilg rim age 736 Catholic Books fo r the B lin d 736 C ardinal B ourne a t Cardiff 736 Books Received ................... 736 E t Czetera ................................7 37 Or b is Terrarum:

England, Scotland and W ales ................................ 738 I r e la n d ................................73 9 Austriai ................................7 40 Czechoslovakia ................... 740

Or b is Terrarum ( Oontd.)


F rance

M anchuria . . .


P o la nd




....... 741

....... 742


Yugoslavia . . . ....... 742 W i l l s ................ 744 Episcopal Engagem ents . . . 744 The P e rsonal Service


....... 744

D r . W . E . O rchard ....... 744 Social and P ersonal . . . 744

NOTANDA The second and final instalment of the new Encyclical Cavitate Christi compulsi (p. 728).

Dr. Briining dismissed. How a Chief of State in Germany has once more “ dropped the pilot ” (p. 721).

The wide front and growing strength of Militant Atheism (p. 722).

How a Catholic Rector would solve a “ quandary ” posed by a Protestant clergyman (p. 720).

The health of missionaries. Recent therapeutical discoveries on the Chinese field (p. 718).

Dr. W. E. Orchard. The Tablet announces authoritatively the reception into the Catholic Church of the King’s Weigh House Chapel’s wellknown ex-pastor (p. 744).

Charles Butler, Catholic advocate and author. His work recalled in commemoration of his centenary (p. 723).

Half-a-million Communions yearly. Some facts and figures from a Dublin parish (p. 737).

NEWS AND NOTES T HREESCORE years and fifteen have elapsed since our Holy Father, Pope Pius XI, first saw the light. The birthday of His Holiness was celebrated quietly last Tuesday. Dominus conservet eutn, et vivijicet eum, et beatum faciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum ejus. “ His enemies ” to-day are many and strong.

This week, we complete our careful printing of the Encyclical Cavitate Christi compulsi, in English, and we remind all Christian readers, including those who are out of communion with the Bishop of Rome, th a t the Holy Father affectionately entreats them to join with his own children in the fight against greed and against atheism.

N ew S e r i e s . Vol. CXXVII. No. 4,203.

After its diligent author had written, from firsthand knowledge, the article on Militant Atheism, which appears on a further page, we heard, from several industrial centres, a strange story which we have traced to its source in the Communist Daily Worker for May 20. In attacking the Sovereign Pontiff as “ perhaps the most powerful dopepeddler in the world,” the Worker said :

Prior to the appointment to his present office, the Pope, then Cardinal Rabbi, was Papal Nuncio to Poland, in which capacity he rendered every assistance he could to the Polish Fascists, then making war upon and invading the Soviet Union. Our friends in districts where Communists are busy will do good by denying the absurd story th a t the Pope was once a Rabbi. Mgr. Ratti, now Pope Pius XI, was not a Cardinal while he was in Poland but received the hat only in 1921, when he was Archbishop of Milan. As for his helping Poles to “ invade and make war upon the Soviet Union,” the brave Achille Ratti remained in Warsaw when nearly all the other diplomats had fled before the advancing armies of the Soviet Union, at th a t time “ invading and making war upon ” Poland. Superior Persons tell us th a t The Tablet must not stoop to contradict such a paper as the Daily Worker; but we do not agree with them. Our fellow-citizens are being poisoned by crude falsehoods, to which this paper will supply antidotes. We beg our readers to pass on the contents of the present Note to those factory-workers and others who do not see sixpenny papers. The Rabbi story can be explained away as a misprint ; but the lie about a wanton Polish onslaught upon a peaceloving Russia remains a lie and must be branded as such.

“ R.C. Charge Against Soviets ” was the heading of a paragraph in the Glasgow paper, Forward (April 2, 1932), which began :

Perhaps friend Coats, of the Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee, will attend to thisfrom “ The Tablet,” organ of the Roman Catholic Church.