y l W e ek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
V O L . 1 5 9 . N o . 4 , 8 0 7 .
L o n d o n , J u n e 2 5 , 1 9 3 2 .
S i x p e n c e .
Rbqistbbbd at the Grotsbai. Post O r n e a as a Newsfapbb
News and Notes ... 813 The Catholic Artists ... 826 Letters to the Editor :
Orbis Terrabcm ( Oontd.)
“ A Mere Dribble” . . . 826 Hospital Sunday.............. 834 France ........................ 836
The Few Flies in the
Abundant Ointment S17 From The Tablet of Ninety
The Thirty-First Eucharistic Congress
Years A g o ......................... 827
819 Coming Events .............. 827
Reviews :
Richard Rolle and Some
Others .............. 824
Rome (Our Own Correspondent’s Weekly Letter
Dear, Clean Dublin 824
from) ......................... 829
A Chancellor’ s Essays ... 825 Obituary ......................... 830
The Statistics of Spiritual
Hungary ........................ 837
ism ..................................... 834 Isle of Man ............. 837
Flags ......................... 834 Poland ........................ 837 Caged Birds in the Sun 834 Portugal ........................ 838
School Sports .............. 834 South Africa ............. 838
Orbis Terrarum :
Spain ........................ 838
England, Scotland and
The Tonga Islands 838
Wales ......................... 835 U.S.A................................... 840
Ireland ......................... 835 Yugoslavia........................ 840
A Congress Missal 825 Et C/ETERA......................... 832
China ......................... 836 Social and Personal .. 840
New Books and Music ... 826 Catholic Education Notes ... 833 Ethiopia ......................... 836 Ch e s s ................................... 840
“ The Congress ” at last. Many reports from Dublin (pp. 819 if.).
H ow the Papal Legate travelled to Ireland and how H is Eminence has been welcomed there (p. 819).
Some frank words by Tablet writers on la maudite politique and the Congress (p. 817).
Friendly answers to tw o Anglican Bishops : Dr. W innington Ingram on Conversions and Lord W illiam Cecil on The Tablet (pp. 831, 832).
Mr. J. A . Kensit’s cowardice. The truth about the “ bones o f Inquisition victims ” with which a Bournemouth audience was hoaxed (p. 815).
Cardinal Bourne’s new Auxiliary. The approaching consecration o f Mgr. Myers (p. 832).
A Tale o f a Bridge. H ow a Catholic missionary in China bridged a wide river after a professional engineer had failed (p. 816).
W om en and the Home. A new sequence o f Notes on an old problem (p. 814).
The author o f some very famous lines. Dorothy Frances Gurney’s death (p. 830).
NEWS AND NOTES F OR the rank and file o f Catholics, the two great acts o f worship are Mass and Benediction, the Divine Office being left to the few. Therefore, as Eucharistic Congresses are fo r the humblest and least literate as well as fo r the leisurely and the well-read, Mass and Benediction will be the main events in Dublin to-m orrow, when a memorable and even stupendous Congress attains its climax. But the Church is like a householder, bringing forth from a treasure-chest things new and old. Some day, when those o f us who have laboured long fo r the Liturgical Revival are gone,
there may be Eucharistic Congresses at which hundreds o f thousands o f the faithful, using im proved acoustical appliances fo r the synchronization o f their voices, will sing Vespers and Compline together, with one heart and with one mind. Meanwhile, let us all be profoundly thankful fo r this week’s A ct o f Faith in Dublin. All the world has looked on in wonder at this majestic forthshowing o f unity in the Faith.
To “ rejoice w ith those who do rejoice,” without stint or reservation, is a happiness which we have had to deny ourselves this week. A t the Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, the unity and brotherly love o f Catholics, as such, could hardly be rivalled in any place or on any occasion. The few flies in the abundant ointment, as our own leader-writer expresses it, were not bred and hatched within the Church. They have come from the unwholesome p ool o f la maudite politique. As there is no sense in wrapping things up, we say plainly that we are alluding to the exclusion o f the Governor-General from the State Reception in the re-opened halls o f Dublin Castle. Last week it came to The Tablet’s knowledge that this arbitrary and untimely attempt to treat the K in g ’s headship o f Ireland as alreadyabolished is to be exploited to the utmost by the various Protestant Societies at a “ Demonstration ” in the Kingsway Hall, on the evening o f next Wednesday. Therefore we have had to write about the flies. The Demonstrators are hereby challenged to tell their hearers the truth ; namely, that the affront to the Governor-General was sheerly political and that the Cardinal Legate went out o f his way and altered his programme in order to dine with the Governor-General before going to Dublin Castle.
It is more than a thousand pities that the wrangle over the Irish Land Annuities and the Treaty' Oath was not postponed until after the Eucharistic Congress. Only7a negligible handful o f Irish electors would have found fault with such a truce. W ith
N ew Series. Yol. CXXVII. No. 4,206.