A W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius I X to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 159. No. 4,806.

L o n d o n , J u n e 18, 1932.

S i x p e n c e .

R eq ibtebed at the Gbnebal P ost Off ic e as a Neitspapeb


New s and No t e s .................. 781 Benedictus Qui Venit . . . 785 Atlilit’ s Long, Long Story 786 From The Tablet of Ninety

Years A g o ............................ 787 R e v ie w s : William the Fourth . . . 787

Outstanding Novels . . . 788 A Turbulent Artist . .. 790 A “ Reconditioned”

Classic ............................ 790 A Hundred Per Cent.

American-............................790 Books Received ................. 790 New Books and Music . . . 791


“ Servire in Lastitia ” . . . 792 The Late Italian Ambassa­

Page dor ......................... . . . 793 Catholic Education Notes . . . 794 Prize Day Celebrations . . . 795 Ch e s s .......................................... 795 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 797 The Cardinal Allen Celebra­

tions at Old H a l l ................. 798 Coming E ve n t s ...................7 99 E t C.e t e r a ...............................8 00

L etters to the E d it o r :

Catholics in English Fic­




Ob it u ary ...............................8 02 Catholic Devotion in British

West Indies ................. 803 The Archbishop of Liver­

pool ....................................... 804 Or b i s T errarum :

England, Scotland, and Wales ............................ 804 Ireland ............................ 805 Austria ............................ 805 British West Africa . . . 805

Or b i s T errarum (Ooiitd.) :


Ecuador ........................ 805 France ........................ 805 Greece ........................ 806 Hungary ........................ 806 Iceland ........................ 806 India ........................ 806 Madagascar ............. 808 Poland ........................ 808 Russia ........................ 808 Spain ........................ 808 U .S .A ...................................... 808 Marriages .......................... 808 So c ia l and P ersonal .. 808

NOTANDA “ T h e ” Congress. A Tablet leader-writer answers an apostate’ s taunt (p . 785).

Cardinal A llen . The fourth centenary o f D ou a y ’ s Founder celebrated at St. Edm und’s College. Som e names in a notable com pany (p . 798).

A n inquiry into Spiritism. The Daily Mail’s wild guess at some confessional percentages in England (p. 783).

N ottin gham ’ s new Bishop. The consecration cerem ony at St. Barnabas’ Cathedral (p . 792).

A pity. U nder new proprietors, the Saturday Review persists in its old malice (p . 782).

A lady whose self-con fessed hobbies are “ talking and dressing-up,” incites readers o f the Nineteenth Century and A fte r to an anti-Catholic campaign (p. 784).

Som e new “ Scenes o f Clerical L i f e , ” depicted by an Anglican clergym an. A n oustanding novel (p . 788).

A n ancient Crusader-fortress. D om Lambert N olle, O .S .B ., relates in b r ie f the story o f A th lit and the B iggest Find in H is to ry (p . 786).

NEWS AND NOTES A LTH OUGH Dublin will be, next week, the scene o f th e Eucharistic Congress, it must be rem embered that this peripatetic celebration has becom e alm ost a Feast o f the Universal Church. I t is a Corpus Christi " W e e k ” which, although held in a particular c ity , is observed b y the fa ith fu l o f all Christendom. Whether R om e or Madrid, Sydney or Chicago, L ondon or Carthage, Malta or Cologne, be the Congress C ity does not make any difference to the fa c t that Catholics o f every race and tongue and colour effectiv e ly jo in in the Congress b y preparing themselves fo r most d evou t H o ly Communions, especially on the Sunday or clim ax-day o f the W eek. Millions o f prayers will be breathed during the n ext eight days b y men and women whose feet will never tread Irish soil. While politicians are running from one Conference to another, it is g o o d t o know that the H o ly F a th e r ’s recent counsels are loud in Catholic ears and that the prayers and Communions o f this y e a r ’s Eucharistic Congress will be largely offered f o r our p o o r w o r ld ’s deliverance from h eavy griefs and dire perils. Unbelievers tell us w ith scorn that The Tablet is always talking about prayers f o r the world-crisis but that the prayers have n o t been answered. H ow d o th ey know ? W ith ou t the prayers, mankind’s present condition m igh t have been far worse, and civilization m ight to -d a y be dying amidst th e dust and reek o f its own u tter ruin.

As he cou ld n o t conscientiously call him self ' ‘ the successor o f St. Augustine ” if he d id n o t believe in Anglicanism ’s Continuity w ith the o ld Church in this realm, we d o not blam e Dr. Lang f o r speaking and writing in terms consonant w ith his ecclesiastica l claims. W e are sorry, however, that H is Grace should have p rom inently associated him self w ith the rid iculous pretentions o f a small and strongly Protestant denom ination on the oth er side o f St. G eorge’s Channel to be the true “ Church o f Ireland ” and th e righ tfu l heir t o the ecclesiastical legacy o f St. Patrick. Dr. Lang was a leading figure in “ the Church o f Ireland’s ” Patrician celebrations last week and he began his serm on in Armagh Cathedral b y saying that he carried greetings “ from the Church o f Augustine, the Mother Church o f the English, t o the Church o f St. Patrick, the Church o f the Ir ish .” Common sense and h istorical facts require us to reply that H is Grace has no part or lo t in Saints Augustine and Patrick from a Continuity standpoint, and that he bore a fraternal message merely from one Branch o f the E lizabethan Church t o another.

H aving thus re-stated the Catholic position, we make haste to add that Dr. L an g ’s discourse at A rm agh contained some adm irable and tim e ly passages. “ Let th is ,” he pleaded, “ b e n o occasion

N e w Se r i e s . Vol. CXXVII. N o . 4,205.