THE TABLET A W eek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

Vol. 159. No. 4,803.

London, May 28, 1932.


R so ib tkm id at T i n Gih b b a l P ost O r r i c a as a Nbw s p a p « »


News and No t e s ................. 685 Per Orationem et Jejunium 689 Decisions Touching Religi­

ous Persons ................. 690 Coming Events ................. 691 R eview s :

The Root of the Evil . . . 691 A Tale of Mallorca . . . 692 Dr. R. J. Campbell . . . 692 Haworth’s T h r e e ................. 693 New Books and Music . . . 694 Ordinations ............................ 695



Books Received ................. 695 Encyclical Letter ................. 696 Dr. Downey’s Silver Jubilee 698 The New Bishop of Notting­

ham ....................................... 698 Catholic Education Notes . . . 699 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 701 Poor Clares at Hawarden . . . 702 The Girl Guides ................. 702


Et CiETERA....................703 Sermons for the Times . . . 704 Westminster Diocesan Pro­

gress ....................................... 704 St. Albert the Great . . . 705 Letters to the Editor :

Easter at S c h o o l ......... 706 Mr. Hutton’s Articles . . . 706 President Doumer's

Funeral ............................ 706 School Sports ................. 706 Ch e s s ............................... 706 Obituary ............................ 707

Orbis Terrarum :


England, Scotland, and Wales 708 Ireland 708 China 708 Fiji . .. 710 France 710 Japan 710 Paraguay 710 Spain 710 W il l s . . . 712 A Cat olic Craft Guild .. 712 Social and Personal .. 712

NOTANDA A large instalment, in English, o f the Encyclical Caritate Christi compulsi, and some underlinings by a Tablet leader-writer, o f the Sovereign Pontiff’s message (pp. 689, 696).

The new Bishop o f Nottingham. His work fo r Catholic education (pp. 698, 699).

“ A Gentleman’s ” or “ A Gentlemen’s ” Agreement ? H ow an Anglican Canon has tried to discredit the Catholic Bishops in Malta and Gozo (p. 686).

New churches and schools in the Archdiocese o f Westminster. The Cardinal Archbishop, in a pastoral letter, surveys and summarizes the past year’s work (p. 704).

Another instance o f the Anglican claim to be the Church o f the British Empire. The case o f Tristan da Cunha (p. 688).

A mare’s nest. The Church Times on an imaginary preference to Catholic newspapers entering the Irish Free State (p. 688).

The secrecy o f the confessional. The scope o f the obligation as viewed by two Judges o f the High Court; together with other matters concerning issues before the Law (p. 690).

NEWS AND NOTES TY OME was not built in a day ; and the Vatican

City is continuing the tradition o f unhurrying thoroughness. A great deal has been achieved, including the building o f a Governor’s Palace and a new Picture-gallery, the installing o f a radiotéléphonie transmitting-station, the issue o f postage-stamps, the minting o f a coinage and the linking o f the City to the railway-system o f the neighbouring Kingdom o f Italy. Much, however, remains to be done. For example, the Vatican Press and the Publicity Office o f the H oly See have not yet elaborated anything like a satisfactory

New Series. Vol. CXXVII. No. 4,202.

system fo r promptly circulating Papal Encyclicals. A case in point is the important Letter Caritate Christi compulsi, the Latin text o f which appeared in the Osservatore Romano on Wednesday o f last week. The Vatican City’s “ wireless ” sent out summaries the same night, in many languages ; but the Vatican Press was less efficient. Official translations were p rom ised ; and the French, German and Spanish versions were quickly issued. English-speaking Catholics, however, had to wait. This lack o f simultaneity places the Catholic papers o f English-speaking countries in an awkward position. The Tablet, fo r example, has its own Latinists who are ever ready to translate ecclesiastical documents ; but the Catholic public naturally prefer to have the official renderings. We are respectfully drawing the attention o f the proper parties to this inconvenience and are asking that, in future, English versions shall appear simultaneously with the French, German, Italian and Spanish. The instalment o f Caritate Christi compulsi printed in this week’s Tablet is b y one o f our own scholars ; but the Vatican translation into English has come to us from Rome while we are writing this Note, and the final instalment, next week, will be reprinted from the official pages.

Although Prussia is not the whole German Reich, it is the biggest and strongest part o f it ; and therefore a protracted crisis in the Prussian Diet must unsettle all Germany. When the newlyelected Deputies met fo r the first time, on Tuesday last, they had fo r Speaker, or President o f their assembly, a brave old General entirely lacking in Parliamentary experience. General Karl Litzmann, the warrior in question, presided over the Diet by virtue o f seniority, being now well in his eighties. He will cease to be Speaker as soon as the Diet has definitely elected a permanent President to what ought to be a non-partisan office. For the present, Dr. Braun remains in office as Prussian Prime Minister, with 162 Nazis hungering and thirsting fo r his overthrow. Among the new Deputies is the