From thi Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

Vol. 158. No. 4,769.

London, October 3, 1931.


Rio i i t i x i d at t e i Gix ib a I ì P ost O n i c i as a Niw s p a pm

New s and No t e s .................. 421 Præ sidium Contra P ræ s i ­ dium ......................................... 425 The Caller Who Did Not Call 425 Sermons for the Times . . . 426 The National Crisis . . . 427 From The Tablet of Ninety Years A g o ............................. 427 R e v ie w s : A Safe Guide .................. 428 Thomas Derrick, Exposi­ to r 428 Yesterday in Andalusia . . . 430 The Curé D ’A r s .................. 430 Not K n a v e ..............................432 L ’Inv itatio n à la Valise 432



R i v i i w B (O o n t d.) :


A P ad re ’s War-Book . . . 434 P rice One Shilling . . . 434 Some Verses by Catholics 436 L ite ra ry Memories . . . 436 Another Pioneer Nun . . . 438 Books Received ............... 438 New Books and Music . . . 439 Correspondence : Rome (O u r Own Corre­ spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................. 441 Catholic Education Notes . . . 442 The Deserters ..................443 Com in o E v e n t s .................. 444 E t Cæ t e r a ............................. 445

Rerum novarum ..................446 Obituary .............................. 447 L et t e r s to th e E d i t o r : Gratitude to O’Connell . . . 448 From Professor Allison Peers ............................. 448 From S ir H enry L unn . . . 448 Funeral of the Bishop of Nottingham 448 P rogress in West Middlesex 449 Ch e s s .......................................... 450 E p is c o p a l E ngagements 450 W i l l s 450 Orb i s Terr arum : England, Scotland and Wales ............................. 451

Or b i s T erbabum ( O o n t d . ) :


Ire la nd Canada China France Palestine Poland Portugal Rhodes South Africa Spain Switzerland Marriages . . .

..................45 2 .................. 453 ..................453..................453 ..................4 54 ..................45 4 ..................45 4 ..................4 54 .................. 454 ..................4 56 ..................45 6 ..................4 56 Soc ia l and P ersonal . . . 456

NOTANDA Prayers for our own Fatherland, and for Russia. A coincidence of diction (pp. 425, 427).

The late Bishop of Nottingham’s funeral. A verbatim report of Dr. Downey’s panegyric (pp. 426, 448).

Mr. Gandhi in England. Some coy reports from Free Churchmen (p. 422).

“ Inaccurate ” pictures of Biblical scenes. How Mr. Thomas Derrick has translated certain Parables into a twentieth-century idiom (p. 428).

“ Mariolatry.” Dr. Cadoux supports his fellow anti-Catholic Dr. Selbie; and The Tablet answers Dr. Cadoux (p. 423). Letters from Professor Allison Peers and Sir Henry Lunn (p. 448).

Father Steuart’s fine war-book. A short review and a long excerpt (pp. 434, 443).

The week-end Conference, at Southend-on-Sea, for the fortieth anniversary of Rerum novarum, (p. 446). Catholic Congresses overseas: in Canada, France, Poland, Portugal, Rhodes, and Switzerland (p. 453-6).

NEWS AND NOTES O F late, certain London dailies have wearied of being news-papers and are hankering to be news-makers. Instead of setting down their argu­ ments for or against an immediate General Election, they have published, every morning, some " account of the situation ” written by partisans whose wishes are fathers to their thoughts and even to their “ facts.” Unfortunately, the hesitations of the Government have played into the hands of these tendencious journalists. Last Saturday, everybody understood th a t the Prime Minister would arrive at a decision by Sunday night. Then came the news th a t he would cast the die on Wednesday. Wednesday is p a s t ; and all we know on Thursday, a t the time of writing this paragraph, is th a t next Wednes

N ew Series. Vol. CXXVI. No. 4,168.

day will see the end of the Emergency Session of Parliament. Whether it will also be the last meeting of the present House of Commons we are not told. We hope that, by the time these lines are circulated, Mr. MacDonald will have ended a deplorable state of suspense.

To the sore chagrin of British anti-Catholics, there is a change for the better in the Spanish Republic’s temper towards the Church. If the Cortes are stampeded into detestable courses of confiscation and persecution, they will do so under the pressure of forces which no Christian, be he Protestant or Catholic, can applaud without dis­ loyalty to our common Master. Some of these disloyal ones are even now touring Great Britain, pretending to be champions of “ the Gospel ” when they are in fact the yoke-fellows of Red Atheism. We are glad to find th a t their meetings have received little attention from the greater newspapers and from the better sort of Protestant weeklies, some of which have ignored these ignoble assemblies entirely. Next week we shall print a few Notes about Spain, based as usual on first-hand information.

During this month of October, a Conference at Geneva is to discuss Calendar Reform, including the proposed change from twelve months to thirteen. On past occasions, The Tablet has so fully and fairly explained this thirteen-months project th a t we do not need to describe and criticize it again. Our Note to-day is directed to one point only. I t is a warning. Some champions of the thirteen-months Year appear to have suggested th a t Rome, whose voice will be powerful in this matter, warmly favours the proposed change. The Tablet is able to declare th a t such suggestions are misleading.

Years ago, General Feng Yu-hsiang made an admirable speech to a body of Chinese students. He reminded them th a t a student’s duty is to study, thereby fitting himself for the tasks of adult life. Militant intrusion into politics by immature citizens-