s i W eek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
V o l . 1 5 7 . N o . 4 , 7 5 3 .
L ondon, J une 13, 1931.
S i x p e n c e .
R eg is tered at the General P ost Off ic e as a New spaper
Page I
News and Notes .............. 769 I Antony the Finder . . . 773 “ A Tenth to G od ” . . . 775 R e v i e w s :
A Protestant and a Catho
lic on the Holy Eucharist 776 Father Vassall-Phillips . . . 776 India’s Religious Con
ceptions ............................ 776 Another “ Outline” . . . 777 Books Received ................. 778 From The Tablet of Ninety
Years A g o ............................ 778
New Books and Music . . . 778 A Year’s Progress in the Westminster Archdiocese 779 The Cause of Margaret
Sinclair ............................ 780 Waltham Cross ................. 780 Catholic Education Notes . . . 782 Mr. Shaw’s Broadcast on
St. Joan ............................ 782 Ch e s s ....................................... 783 Et Cetera ............................ 784 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 787
L etters to the Ed i t o r :
Sundays “ After Trinity ” 789 The Casa Di S. Brigida 789 School Sports . . . 789 Encyclical Letter . . . 790 Orb is Terrarum :
England, Scotland and Wales .............. . . . 795 Ireland .............. . . . 796 Argentina .............. . . . 796 Austria .............. . . . 796 Belgium .............. . . . 796 Brazil .............. . . . 796
O r b i s T e r r a r u m ( C o n t d .)
Chile ........................ 796 China ........................ 798 France ........................ 798 Portugal ........................ 798 Rhodesia ........................ 798 R o u m a n i a ........................ 800 Spain ........................ 800 Ob it u ary .......................... 800 The Sea Apostolate 800 Coming Events .............. 800 So c ia l and P ersonal .. 800
NOTANDA The Encyclical Quadragesimo anno. A continuation o f the official English version (p. 790).
Fascismo’s action against the Catholic Youth organizations in Italy. A translation, from The Tablet’s Rome Correspondent, o f an address o f protest by the H oly Father (p. 787).
The seventh centenary o f St. Antony o f Padua. A Tablet leader-writer offers some considerations on the Saint which may not be approved by Superior Persons among critics o f Catholic belief and devotion (p. 773).
The Trinity Sunday pastoral o f the Cardinal Archbishop surveys a year’s achievement, by church extension, in the Archdiocese o f Westminster (p. 779).
Mr. Bernard Shaw’s broadcast address on St. Joan o f Arc. An unfounded suggestion by the B.B.C. (p. 782).
The agitation against tithe. The features o f the situation explained in an article showing how a Catholic tradition has become mutilated, by nonCatholic legislation, so as to be an imposition (p. 775).
/ A N E of the last acts o f the retiring French
President, M. Doumergue, has been to secure for His Excellency the Nuncio the Grand Cross o f the Legion o f Honour, and this distinction was personally conferred upon Mgr. Maglione by the President on Wednesday o f last week, when M. Doumergue spoke in the most cordial way of the pleasure it gave him to honour the diplomatic corps in the person o f its distinguished doyen, with whom his relations during the past seven years had been o f the happiest kind. Throughout his tenure o f the Presidency M. Doumergue, a Protestant, has never
New S e r ie s . Vol. CXXV. No. 4,152.
missed an opportunity o f expressing his personal friendliness with the representatives o f the Church in France and, what is more, his respect for the principles which it is their duty to inculcate. This has happened over and over again. , The Rouen celebrations and the opening o f the Hall o f the Missions at the Colonial Exhibition at Vincennes are two recent instances o f the influence which he has personally exerted. On each o f these occasions the speech of the minister delegated to represent the Government has been admirable in tone and content, and gratifying to Catholics. At Rouen, if certain local influences had not been over-ruled, matters might have gone otherwise.
Its largest type was chosen by the English Churchman last week for an article containing the following words about St. Joan o f Arc :
The “ really amazing ” thing is that the same “ unchanging ” Church which brought Joan to the stake as a heretic, idolater and blasphemer, should have later canonized her as a Saint and Martyr ! Once more, we ask where the Protestant journalists who write such anti-Catholic articles have received their education. Unless the author o f the above passage is an educated man deliberately deceiving his public, he should go back to the class-room and the library before he writes any more. Even a dabbler in Theology ought to know that Catholics do not hold, and have never held, any such doctrine of the “ unchanging Church ” as is here implied. The English Churchman’s columns have often reported lectures and speeches about pre-Reformation appeals to Rome. If Catholics believed in the Infallibility o f local Courts, such as the Court which condemned the Maid o f France under disgraceful pressure from England, why should they ever have appealed to the Pope ? After our own “ James the Least’s ” experience o f Protestant orators, we are very much afraid that their misleading o f hearers and readers on Infallibility is systematic and is not due to ignorance.