THE TABLET N Weekly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v ie w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

Vol. 157. No. 4,751.

London, May 30, 1931.


Registered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper

News and Notes ................. 701 St. Joan for England! . . . 705 The Oriental Week in

Syracuse ............................ 707 Dr. Coniton’s Corrigenda:

Our Last Word ................. 708 The Rouen Celebrations . . . 710 Episcopal Engagements 710 Review s :

By Britannia’s Bedside 711 “ The Proper Study of Mankind ” .............. 712 French Fishers .............. 712


Outstanding Novels. —


X LV I I I ............................ 713 Books Received ................. 714 From The Tablet of Ninety

Years A g o ............................714 New Books and Music . . . 714 Church Extension ................. 715 Education in the Notting­

ham Diocese ................. 715 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 717

Obituary ............................ 719 Catholic Education Notes 719 Presentation to the Arch­

bishop of C a r d if f ................. 720 The Catenian Association 720 Et Cætera ............................ 721 Orbis Terr arum :

England, Scotland and Wales ............................ 722 Ireland ............................ 722 Australia ............................ 722

Orbis Terrarum ( Contd.) :


Belgian Congo


. . . 723

. . . 723

China .............. . . . 723 Czechoslovakia . . . 724 Egypt .............. . .. 724 Ethiopia .............. . . . 724 France .............. . . . 726 Italy .............. . . . 726 Scandinavia . . . 726 Spain .............. . . . 726 Coming Events . . . 726 W il l s .............. . . . 728 Social and Personal . . . 728 Chess .............. . . . 728


St. Joan o f A r c ’ s Quincentenary. An English Cardinal goes as Papal Legate to Rouen. The lesson o f 1431 fo r 1931 (p. 705).

Qitadragesimo anno. Its forthcoming publication in English. An interim warning (p. 701).

A t Syracuse. A Tablet eye-witness describes a liturgical “ W e e k ” with a revival o f the Byzantine Rite (p. 707).

“ The Church built on Peter.” A surprising sermon from a famous Wesleyan pulpit (p. 702).

Last words on Dr. Coulton. A soi-disant “ Exposer ” faithfully exposed (p. 708).

H ow the Guild o f Our Lady o f Ransom is helping to restore the Mass in the scattered small towns and villages o f the countryside (p. 715).

The Oratory School. An important change in its government (p. 720).

The greatest o f the Kembles : not Sarah Siddons, but another (p. 721).

Caernarvon snubs Denbigh. An anti-Catholic fiasco (p. 704).

NEWS AND NOTES T O-MORROW is Trinity Sunday. In their Book of Common Prayer, our Anglican friends reckon the Sundays from now until Advent as “ Sundays after Trinity.” Catholics, on the other hand, describe them as “ Sundays after Pentecost.” Thus do we keep strongly before our minds the Mission o f the Holy Spirit. “ After ” Pentecost does not mean that Pentecost is over and done with. It means that the Sundays which follow it move like sheep “ after ” a shepherd. The shepherd remains leader and guide, all the time. In other words, the time post Pentecosten, which extends to nearly half the year, is the time when the Gospel,

New Series. Vol. CXXV. No. 4,150.

firmly rooted in the historical events which we commemorate from Advent to Paschal-tide, can bless our own day and generation with its fulness o f flower and fruit and shade.

As it would fill nearly thirty columns of The Tablet, we are not able to reprint the Latin text o f our Holy Father’s Encyclical Quadragesimo anno which certain journals have incorrectly called Quadraginta annis. But we shall give our readers an unabridged English translation of this precious Letter with the least possible delay.

Pending the full publication o f the new Encyclical in English, we must put Catholic working men and women on their guard against a serious misrepresentation o f its teaching. When the Pope defends the right to possess private property, he is protecting the so-called Small Man more than the so-called Big One. He is not, as anti-Papists pretend, “ on the side of the millionaires ” : because His Holiness sternly condemns modern plutocracy and he grants to the State the right to interfere with private ownership " for the common good ” in appropriate circumstances. What our Holy Father protects, is the justly acquired fruit o f honest labour and o f honourable skill. Communism dispossesses millionaires, for a start. Then it gradually loots all the “ Haves,” not excepting those who have no more than a tiny freehold cottage, a pig and half-a-dozen barnyard fowls. A more general diffusion of property, not excepting land, is a remedy for our social derangement which many deep-thinking men favour s tron g ly : but such a remedy would be excluded by the very nature o f Communism.

They are unjust who say that the sixty-third Council o f the League of Nations has achieved hardly anything beyond some feats of masterly procrastination. It is true that the prickly question o f the Silesian Minorities is held over until September : but this was an act of routine fairness to