THE TABLET N W eekly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

Vol. 157. No. 4,750.

London, May 23, 1931.


R eg is tered at th e General P ost Offic e as a New spaper


New s .and No t e s .................. 669 “ Quadragesimo A nn o ” . . . 673 The Church and Socialism 674 Calvary and the Mass . . . 674 Paris A th en e ............................ 675 R e v ie w s :

Mediaeval Vicarages . . . 677 ’Mid Lochs and Bens . . . 678 Hypothetical History . . . 678 The Cambridge Summer

School ............................ 679 New Books and Music . . . 680 The White T r a i n ................. 681 From The Tablet of Ninety

Years A g o ............................ 681



Ch e s s .......................................... 682 Books Received ................. 682 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 685 The Holy See and the

French Presidential Election ....................................... 687 Obitu ary ...............................687 W i l l s .......................................... 687 E t Cæ t e r a .............................. 688 £10,000 for Catholic

Students ............................ 689


The Catholic Poetry Society 689 Catholic Education Notes . . . 690 Salford’ s C.T.S........................ 690 L etters to the E d i t o r :

Another Seminary? . . . 691 Sunday C in em as................. 691 Spain ............................ 691 Havre to T aranto................. 691 Anti-Rome Never Changes 691 Coming Events .................... 691 Orb is T errarum :

England, Scotland and Wales ............................ 692


Or b is Terrarum ( Oontd.) :

Ireland ............................ 692 Brazil ............................693 China ............................ 693 France ............................ 693 Germany ............................ 694 India 694 Japan ............................ 694 Madagascar 695 Palestine ............................ 695 Spain ............................ 696 U.S.A....................................... 696 Social and P ersonal . . . 696


Quadragesimo anno. A summary, from The Tablet’s Rome Correspondent, o f the new Encyclical on Capital and Labour (p. 686).

“ A good Catholic cannot be a true Socialist.” Much ado over a point on which the Sovereign Pontiff has said nothing new. Cardinal Bourne’s plain warnings recalled (pp. 673, 674).

Paris— not Pallas— Athene. The true goddess o f Madrid’s self-styled “ intellectuals.” A Club without the necessary grains o f Spanish salt (p. 675).

Calvary and the Mass. An examination by Abbot Vonier o f Archbishop MacDonald’s eucharistic ideas (p. 674).

“ The Deadly Parallel.” Father Walter Cooksey’s comparison o f the Lord George Gordon incendiaries and those in contemporary Spain (p. 691).

Did the Pope interfere in the French Presidential Election? The Tablet categorically denies a statement made in the Manchester Guardian (p. 687).

NEWS AND NOTES VX^HITSUNTIDE finds our bewildered world in

* * sore need of guidance such as it fails to find in the wisdom of men. But the Church has to do more this year than merely remind her children to pray “ Come, Holy Ghost.” “ Stay ” and “ Depart not ” must also be our cries to that Divine Spirit. Both from the Gospels and the Epistles we learn the terrible truth that it is within the power o f men to “ quench the Spirit ” and to sin unpardonably against Him. Such sin is irrémissible, not through a drying-up of the divine mercy, but by our own free act in impermeably encasing ourselves in unbelief and pride. As St. Augustine said, Our Lord’s words concerning the sin against the Holy

New Series. Vol. CXXV. No. 4,149.

Ghost are among the most difficult in all the Scriptures. Nevertheless, theologians are agreed that they apply to such thin +1 ■ malicious flouting and thwarting of the spiritual Ine and of spiritual forces. To give a concrete example, we should be coming periously near to the Sl.i against the Holy Ghost if we deliberately made it one whit easier for Anti-God Russia to achieve her threatened destruction of religion. It will be mockery to begin imploring the H oly Spirit, this Whitsuntide, to direct more clearly the councillors and rulers o f our fatherland if we will not bestir ourselves as Defenders o f the Faith.

Progress towards our country’s release from the bonds which chain it to Russia is being made. Although last Monday’s promising debate on Moscow’s broken faith became poor and personal as it went on, the division-bell brought together a phalanx o f anti-Muscovites with which the other side must reckon. No less than 223 Members declared themselves malcontent with Hendersonism, while only 243 could be raked together in the other lobby. The small majority o f 20 would have been smaller still— indeed, it would have vanished altogether— on a free vote o f the House. In other words, 243 Members voted in aid of Mr. MacDonald’s Government, but not all of them meant their votes to show approval of Moscow. Members of all parties felt keenly the humiliation of maintaining diplomatic relations with a State which is admitted even by its friends to have laughed at the pledges by which it induced us to exchange ambassadors.

Mr. Henderson himself retains not only his impenitence in re, but also his determination to exasperate those o f us who grieve over Britain’s Russian connections. At Geneva he has once more fawned upon Moscow, saying :

I ask M. Litvinoff to banishfrom his mind any thoilght that the members of the League are plotting war against his people. I assure him we are hoping for increased peaceful intercourse and trade between his country and ours,