THE TABLET y l Weekly N ew spaper and R ev iew
From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
V o l . 157. No. 4 ,744.
L o n d o n , A p r i l i i , 1931.
S i x p e n c b .
R esisteeed at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper
News and No t e s .................. 477 A Friendly Remonstrance 481 The Religious Outlook in
Yugoslavia............................483 From The Tablet of Ninety
Years A g o ............................485 R e v iew s : Mental Prayer ................. 486
Hart’s Church History ... 486 Symbiosis ............................487 Miss Young’s Stories . . . 487
Books Received ................. 488 New Books and Music . . . 488 Sermons for the Times ... 489 The Bruges Procession of the Precious Blood ... 490 Coming Events ................. 490 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................493 Catholic Education Notes ... 494
The Education Question ... 496 Obituary ............................ 496 Work for Catholic Seamen 497 “ Kensitas ” at Hastings ... 498 Ch e s s .......................................... 498 E t CiETERA.............................. 499 Orb 1s Terr arum :
England, Scotland, and Wales ............................500 Ireland ............................ 500 Australia ............................ 500
Orb is Terrarum ( Contò.) :
Bolivia ............................500 Bulgaria ............................ 500 China ............................ 501 France ............................ 502 Germany ............................ 502 Japan ............................ 504 Poland ............................ 504 San Domingo .................504 U.S.A....................................... 504 Yugoslavia............................ 504 Social and P ersonal . . . 504
H is . Eminence Cardinal Bourne, in his Easter sermon, makes an appeal to the thousands o f young Catholics who have com e out into active life since the W a r years (p. 489).
The Claims o f York. A Tablet leader-writer examines a wholly misconceived national appeal by Dr. Temple (p. 481).
Japan. Some Notes , on a remarkable Mass o f thanksgiving near Nagasaki (p. 479).
A survey o f the present religious outlook in Yugoslavia; with a glance also at some other countries o f the Near East (p. 483).
A Wesleyan “ General Superintendent ” minister’s amazing ignorance o f Catholic doctrine (p. 479).
H oliday tours to Leningrad. D o they include visits to the Anti-G od museum? (p. 479).
Catholics in Greece. W e lcom e news from Athens about the Uniats (p. 478).
Bank H oliday in Birmingham. H ow tw o thousand Catholic men in that city seized their opportunity (p. 496).
r I AH E K ing is confined to his room , though not
-*• to his bed, b y bronchitis. W e are sure that, after the parish Masses to-m orrow, Catholics will jo in fervently in the appointed prayer, Domine, salvum fa c Regem nostrum Georgium.
That MM. Charles Maurras and Léon Daudet were present in the Cathedral o f Palermo last Wednesday at the wedding o f Prince Henri, Comte de Paris, and the Princesse Isabelle d ’OrléansBraganza, is true. That they had places in the church as representing L ’A ction Française and not merely as private guests is false.
New Series. Vol. CXXV. No. 4,143.
N ot from statistics do we learn the things which are most worth knowing about the actual health and wealth o f the Church. Mere figures exaggerate the number o f Christians in England to-day. Probably the Englishmen who do not go to any kind o f church heavily outnumber those who do. We must remember, however, that there has never been a time, not even in the Ages of Faith, when the nation has been co-extensive with the Church. Although outward conform ity to religion has often been more general than it is to-day, the W orld, the Flesh and the Devil have always counted big battalions. But in these changed times nearly all the Catholics who practise their religion are individually in earnest. A normal man would not go on accepting the inconveniences of obligatory Mass, o f confession, o f fasting communion, o f abstinence, on about seventy days of each year, and o f the Church’s matrimonial teaching, if he were not moved by inward conviction. Therefore our sorrow over the old indifferentism and the new paganism o f England is mitigated by the indisputable fact that there are tw o millions or so of our fellow countrymen whose Catholic lives cry out a m ighty “ Yes ” to the question “ Is there Faith on the earth ? ”
Reports from parishes in every part o f our smal but variegated England assure us that Catholic cathedrals, churches and chapels have had millions of feet treading their doorsills since H o ly Week began. In some places there were not enough of the hallowed palms to go round on Palm Sunda}?. Later in the Week, the confessors could hardly cope with the files o f penitents. I f all those who humbly adored the Cross in Englard on Good Friday could be marshalled into one procession, four a-breast, the first ranks o f marchers would be in Lancashire before the last had stepped out o f Middlesex. Not in a boastful, but in a thankful spirit do we state the case in this way.
Progress on the liturgical side continues. There is, however, much to be done, which can be done so