T H E T A B L E T , February 25th, 1950



VOL. 195, N o . 5727


L O N D O N , FEBRUARY 25th, 1950




The N ext Government and the World’s Trade THE ART OF DIVIDING AND RULING

The Methods o f the Rumanian Persecution THE EUROPEAN REFUGEES

Work that Still Remains to be Done


The Address of Pope Pius XII to the Journalists’ Congress


By Arnold Lunn

By Fr. Philip Hughes


M R . ACHESON and Mr. Hoffman have now set ou t to see th a t Congress does no t cut to o drastically the allocation fo r European Recovery in the th ird year o f the P ro gramme. The opposition has grown, and it is argued th a t the process is o f its natu re unending, bo th in Europe and in Asia, and th a t in Europe the transaction does n o t unfortunately have the pleasant and hopeful character o f advancing a man money so th a t he can set up fo r himself. But the need, says Mr. Acheson, is doubly urgent. Europe has achieved great things, but, a t the end, they are insufficient. The gaps remain, and Mr. Acheson pu t i t very plainly th a t the United States must either give more direct help, o r they must enable the Europeans to sell more o f their production for dollars ; the second course will be the better fo r everybody and is more natural, because it means concessions which will affect certain interests in the United S tates ; all movements to leave trad e free do so o f their nature, which is why free trade came so very late and always so partially into the practice o f organized communities.

long debate was ended in the way grandiose conceptions do end by a violent change in the balance o f forces, the division and disintegration o f the Mongolian Empire. But the ro o t o f today’s troubles is a conflict o f missionary creeds, and it would show more sense o f the realities to try to arrange an immense, full and searching philosophical and theological debate, before all mankind, with the disciples o f M arx and Lenin, than meetings o f statesm en. The great and growing danger to the world comes from the adventitious com bination o f immense physical resources in the hands o f extremely narrow minded and bigoted materialists, men who a re convinced that they are right, and dem onstrably right. But they will no t let the debate be carried on before their own subjects, whose minds are carefully conditioned and who believe, and are expected to believe, wild and savage myths about the realities o f life outside the closed Communist society, and about the motives and ideals o f those in charge o f o ther countries, and prim arily o f the Americans.

The Adm in is tra tio n ’s requests to Congress come simultaneously with the breaking off o f American relations with Bulgaria, as a rem inder th a t in M r . Acheson’s words the Soviet is acting w ith “ increasing boldness.” T h a t is the dom in an t reality o f these years, against which the election campaign ju s t ended is likely to look in history a most deliberately provincial affair, and the emphasis on security curiously ostrich-like. We have never before moved so consciously tow ards more troubled waters with so very small a margin fo r emergency increases o f revenue ; on the contrary , the Governm ent affirm both th a t the present revenue is the minimum, and th a t it cannot be materially increased from taxation. Once again as in the early ’thirties there is a search fo r the cheapest way to the greatest security, no unreasonable aim provided it does n o t now, as then, make too many people mistake their wishes for solid grounds fo r action. Talk suggests itself as cheapest o f all ; but a t what level are E ast and West to meet ? At the Deepest Level

It is related o f Mangu, brother o f K ubla Khan, that, seeing the extent o f the Mongol Empire a n d the num bers o f conquered and trib u ta ry peoples, he sought to unify them by a universal religion. F o r this purpose he summoned to his headquarters in India exponents o f th e three great universal religions am ong his subjects : Islam was the creed o f the enemy, but he could choose am ong Confucians, the Buddhists, and the Catholics. He listened attentively fo r many days to a F ria r from St. Louis o f F rance before concluding against the Christians because o f their bad lives, saying i t was better to be faithful to soothsayers than unfaithful to a testam ent. The

A great deal o f harm has been done many years past by the inveterate addiction to false categories in this field o f British public men and their official advisers. L o rd Beaverbrook describes his own interviews w ith Stalin in the Kremlin, mentions in passing, to show the simplicity o f the setting, the portraits o f Marx and Engels on the walls o f the sanctum , with no phrase to suggest any understanding th a t they were much the most im portan t and revealing objects. W hat should link a Georgian peasant w ith men as alien in time, place and habit as Marx and Engels and their remote and angry studies o f Victorian England bu t a community o f faith in the world revolution, fo r which Marx and Engels provided the myth and the theory, but Lenin, and after him Stalin, the physical resources. To go to the Kremlin is no t prim arily to visit a foreign capital, to ta lk to foreign statesmen ; behind the Russian State there is another reality, and it is with that reality th a t the Western world has to reckon, and when it surveys the movement, the creed and the Party which is its instrum ent, there is found something whose whole raison d 'e tre is nothing less than the transform ation o f our world. 11m ust be aggressive o r deny its nature. P roposals for divisions o f spheres o f influence, in the trad itio n o f in te rnational d ip lomacy, were freely made and accepted in the years o f war-tim e alliance, and very smoothly did they serve the purposes o f the world revolution, transform ing the countries o f Central Europe into the Communist dictatorship.

Unless the anim ating beliefs o f Communism can be reached and modified, everything a t more superficial levels will only be tactical : and therefore give no confidence. The question is whether the rapid development o f engines o f mass destruction, far beyond the atom bombs th a t closed the Japanese war, creates a new situation. The a tom bomb itself five years