WATER CRAFT No 79: January/February 2010 c o n t e n t s

43The Capable

Pocket Cruiser

Suddenly last summer, François


, the French designer of

‘modern traditional’ boats, invited

Kathy Mansfield to go sailing in

Méaban, his practical little gaffer.

Photograph: Charlie Hussey


The Gribble Point and shoot


The Op-Ed Page

Where should wooden boats go?



Sailing a cat-ketch; driving a motor boat


Matt Newland’s

Tricks with Light

New pocket cruiser, new reviewer.

An envious Tony Langmead sails the new BayCruiser from Swallow Boats.


Boats You Can Build

Designer Paul Gartside continues his series with complete plans for a traditional round-stern workboat.

Above: Iain Oughtred with his St Ayles Skiff for Scottish Coastal Rowing – p22. Left: François Vivier's capable pocket cruiser for kit construction– p43.


How To Revive An

Old Sport In Several

Uneasy Lessons

Joint enterprise: Alec Jordan and the

Scottish Fisheries Museum are set to revive Scottish Coastal Rowing in...


The St Ayles Skiff Iain Oughtred’s simple but sexy double-ender for kit construction and in...


Just How Did I End Up

Doing That?

Chris Perkins explains how his enthusiasm for the Scottish Coastal

Rowing Project resulted in 5 weeks building the prototype and a craving for sponge puddings


The Workshop Nick Coppin makes adjustable footrests for his sail and oar dinghy and Adrian Noyes assembles a professional’s steambox.


The Water Craft Guide to the WBTA

First find your boatbuilder with our complete listing of the members of the Wooden Boatbuilders Trade

Association and their specialisms.



Using International’s Schooner Gold

Varnish at Peter Freebody & Co.,

the Metabo drill/driver in Adrian

Noyes’ workshop and an exquisite

Lie Nielsen rabbet plane in the editor’s backyard. Not to mention a new book on the Lancashire nobbies.



Ralph Bird...

... the quiet craftsman who built

29 gigs to revitalise West Country

Pilot Gig rowing.


The Clovelly Scull

Chris Partidge tries out the innovative rowing boat for open water which gives you time to stop and stare.


Grand Designs

New Zealand designer John Welsford takes inspiration for his capable ocean-going dayboat from a west country working boat.


Design Your Own

Motor Boat

Naval architect Ian Nicolson has clever ways with the mid-section which enhance stability.


Join The Club

Get more from your boating with one of these active associations.


Set fair for Seafair

Kathy Mansfield looks forward to the small boat gathering which brings

Morbihan to Milford.



Looking forward to a whole new boating season.


Subscribing to Water Craft Sailing at last with Peter Goad

Water Craft – ISSN1367-0895 – is published bi-monthly on the 4th Thursday of February, April, June, August & October and the 3rd Thursday of December.

by Pete Greenfield Publishing, Bridge Shop, Gweek, Cornwall TR12 6UD, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1326 221424.

UK & Europe subscription rate for 6 issues (one year) is £21.50; USA & Canada: £23.50, rest of world: £25.50 – see www.watercraft-magazine.com