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N° DE COMMISSION PARITAIRE 0310 K 89343 Mensuel: Mars 2010 Dépôt légal


AfricanBusiness March 2010

12 Cover Story Sudan at the crossroads

30 Special Report African Oil & Gas

Editorial 11

Niger coup is setback for Africa

Cover story 12

Sudan at the crossroads 18

Sudan on a knife edge

Cityview 22

China strengthening

Africa’s infrastructure base

Economy 24

After the crisis comes the bounce-back

Special Report: African Oil & Gas Most exciting decade in sight 30

Oil riches now cover continent 34

Gas: the great leap forward 36

Double lucky strike for Tullow 40

Angola’s star on the rise with Iraq deal 42

Will Shell pull out of Nigeria? 44

Sudan’s day of reckoning draws near 46

Mozambique’s offshore gas find

Environment 48

Fencing mountains in Kenya

64Nigeria Sanusi slaps bosses with 10-year limit

Manufacturing 50

Has Africa’s manufacturing revolution started?

Mining 55

Exploiting Africa’s vast potential 57

Konkola goes deep

2010 World Cup Watch 58

Retail windfall: myth or reality?

Event 62

Comesa Investment Forum

Country Files 63

Zimbabwe: Life and business return to the streets 64

Nigeria: Sanusi slaps bosses with 10-year limit 66

Botswana: Copper, silver fortune beckons 68

Mauritius: Milking profits

ReviewsBooks/Music 72

FutureAfrica 74

Sara Tavares