the philosophers’
magazine issue 23 • 3rd quarter 2003
contents reporter 6news hound the regular round-up from the world of philosophy, including straw poll and mediawatch
11after Iraq how philosophers reacted to war
13word of mouse the ethics of voluntary humiliation
15Bacc to basics will Britain make theory of knowledge compulsory in schools?
18out & about Tim LeBon on 90 years of the Philosophical Society of England thoughts 19Plato’s pleasures Jeff Mason on what the great Greek can teach us about love and desire
21sci-phiMathew Iredale’s regular science column smells a little odd this time
22science and ethics Robert Halliday and Heidi Ravven look to biology for some moral education
25provocationsMichaelLaBossierewonderswhethertheidea that minds are distinct from brains can be tested forum 28introductionwhyanimalsraiseperennialproblems
29Kenan Malik Jeremy Stangroom interviews the author of Man, Beast and Zombie
32shaggy dog stories Raimond Gaita on fiction, humans and animals
35a different difference Simon Glendinning remembers Sophy Dog
38surveyourreaders’ attitudes to animals revealed
40painismRichardRyder explains his new moral theory
43the nose job Stephen Clark on the moral dangers of taxonomy discussion 46open debate Tibor Machan takes on critics of his defence of libertarianism
50what is a lie? David Cowan deconstructs Derrida the lowdown 51the directory listings for UK and US philosophy organisations
52snapshotsthelowdown on Camus and Chomsky, on a need to know basis
54explaining ethics part eleven of Simon Eassom’s ethics primer looks at caring
54conceptual carvery thinking on and off your butt review 57The Making of a Philosopher by Colin McGinn
58Why Read Marx Today? by Jonathan Wolff
59The Meaning of Life by John Cottingham
60Aspects of Hobbes by Noel Malcolm
61Views into the Chinese Room eds. John Preston and Mark Bishop last words 62Bertrand’s break Stamp, who’s meeting whom, pondweed, sense data and the fiendish crossword
64lettershavingyour say on God, porn and fraud
66the skeptic just put your spirits together and blow subscriptions page 14
The Philosophers' Magazine/3rd quarter 2003