15 Modern life is rubbish

Dinyar Godrej on why we’re so keen on turning our planet’s resources to trash.

21 Waste – THE FACTS

22 Everything must go

Bills Posters’ visual comment on throwaway culture.

24 No more of your junk

China’s refusal to deal with ‘foreign garbage’ is the West’s wake-up call on recycling, says Adam Liebman.

27 It’s all down to you

Why the packaging industry loves shunting the blame on individual consumers.

28 Dirty work

Our photo essay on the people who make a living from waste.

31 When it is illegal to waste food

Timothey Baster and Isabelle Merminod provide an update on the French law stopping supermarkets from throwing away usable food.

32 Fighting the big burn

Mismanagement of trash has become almost legendary in Lebanon. Fiona Broom listens to voices for change.

35 Pick of the heap

Hisham Allam reports on Cairo’s attempts to solve its garbage problems and how they are impacting on an entire community’s livelihoods.


CURRENTS   8 Uyghur plight in northwest China   9 Introducing... Imran Khan

Plus: Seriously?   9 Dubliners take on housing crisis 10 Better sorry than safe in Tanzania 10 Glasgow’s slavery debt 10 Arctic war heats up 12 Bahrain heads to the polls 13 Dislocation in Latin America Plus: Reasons to be Cheerful

REGULARS   6 Letters

Plus: Why I…   7 Letter from Marabá – Touched by the future

In his last column, Dan Baron Cohen finds solidarity in the Amazon – at a time of violence and despair.

38 Country Profile: Vietnam

40 The Interview Mike Leigh on his new film Peterloo and the

challenges of dramatizing class conflict, with Sam Thompson.

47 Southern Exposure

Twenty-seven-year-old painter Eddy Kamuanga Ilunga explores cultural identity and globalization in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

52 Cartoon History

The story of Zuzu Angel, a fashion designer who resisted Brazil’s military dictatorship. By ILYA (with Yohann Koshy).

56 Hall of Infamy – Elon Musk

The high-tech ‘snake-oil salesman’, gets a grilling.

58 The Debate – should the West stop

giving aid to Africa? Firoze Manji and Pablo Yanguas go head to head.

72 Temperature check

Development practitioner Adesuwa Ero is urging religious leaders in rural Nigeria to rethink their views on climate change before it’s too late.

80 The Puzzler

81 Agony Uncle… answers a dilemma about

taking your child to depressing protests.