Shut down the tar sands!
As conventional sources of oil are running dry, or are too hazardous to extract, oil companies are turning to ‘unconventional’ deposits of the black stuff. By far the largest is Canada’s tar sands, the second biggest oil reserve in the world. The past decade has seen a black gold rush of unprecedented proportions, and the tar sands development in Alberta is now the largest industrial development on earth. But it is also, perhaps, the most destructive. Next month’s New Internationalist exposes the severe human and environmental costs of Canada’s dramatic transformation from global good guy to corrupt petro-state, and profiles some of the key figures in what is shaping up to be an iconic struggle in the effort to drag the world back from the brink of a fossil fuel-dependent future.
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The fall of King Tuna The future of the bluefin hangs in the balance, but the fate of tuna stocks in general is a mirror of countless other species. A special report on the state of our oceans, through the eyes of one of its most highly valued inhabitants.
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New on the web
Where do we go from here? Yes, Copenhagen was a catastrophe. But, argues Danny Chivers, all is not lost. He offers hope – and positive suggestions – for the way ahead in Rising faster than the oceans.
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The New
Internationalist workers' co-operative (NI) exists to report on the issues of world poverty and inequality; to focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and powerless worldwide; to debate and campaign for the radical changes necessary to meet the basic needs of all; and to bring to life the people, the ideas and the action in the fight for global justice. The New Internationalist (NI) magazine was founded by Peter and Lesley Adamson in 1970. Together with a range of other publications it is published by New Internationalist Publications Ltd which is wholly owned by the New Internationalist Trust and co-operatively managed: Accounts: Frank Syratt. Administration: Anna Weston, CharlieHarvey. Design: AlanHughes, Andrew Kokotka, Ian Nixon. Distribution and fulfilment: Bev Dawes. Editorial (Magazine): Vanessa Baird,Hadani Ditmars, Dinyar Godrej, Jo Lateu, Jess Worth. Editorial (Publications): Chris Brazier, Troth Wells. Editorial (NorthAmerica): WayneEllwood. Marketing (Magazine): Amanda Synnott, James Rowland. NorthAmerican Publisher: Ian McKelvie. Marketing (Publications): Dan Raymond-Barker, Michael York. Production: FranHarvey.
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© New Internationalist Publications Ltd. 2010 ISSN 0305-9529
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