the philosophers’

magazine issue 33 • 1st quarter 2006

reporter 4news hound news, plus straw poll and mediawatch

12Best’s defence why the UK has banned a US philosopher

17word of mouse Luciano Floridi takes over the keyboard

18wild again should the wild be “restored”?



23questions R us a new way to ask a philosopher thoughts 26landscape love Eve Garrard pens The TPM Essay


38neocon Nozick? was the late Harvard great the brain behind Reaganomics?

forum 44DisneymindthinkingdeeplywithMickeyMouse

48Brown source a lack of meat in The Da Vinci Code


55Nietzsche doll the weird world of Action Philosophers

58a load of balls? the philosophy of mini-golf revealed discussion 63zen master Robert Pirsig talks only to TPM – and probably regrets it the lowdown 78conceptualcarveryknowyourposteriorfromyouraposteriori

79the directory listings for UK and North America

80snapshotthelowdown on TE Hulme

82theory of knowledge the eighth in the series remembers and introspects review 85new books Williams, Midgley, Badiou and others publish tomes worth reading last words 92Bertrand’sbreakfunandgames



69my philosophy TV head honcho Dan Chambers

73open debate Simon Clarke replies to your objections to affirmative action


96the skeptic science is great – what a shame some scientists are not subscriptions & TPM shop page 39

The Philosophers' Magazine/1st quarter 2006