
Every month

Philippe Sands explores a Nazi family mystery, on page 34

22 Lincoln and slavery The Great Emancipator may have ended slavery but, says Lucy Worsley, the story is more complex than is o en thought

29 Anglo-Saxon innovation Michael Wood charts ten ways in which the northern European migrants had a lasting impact on Britain’s history

34 On the trail of a Nazi Philippe Sands talks to Rob Attar about the quest to bring a senior o cial from Nazi Germany to justice

36 Cromwell’s Italian links Youthful visits to the continent had a formative in uence on the Tudor statesman, reveals Diarmaid MacCulloch

47 Cry-baby Churchill? Andrew Roberts on why the leader’s frequent public displays of emotion were an important part of his appeal

54 The history of loneliness Fay Bound Alberti chronicles the surprisingly recent phenomenon of unhappy solitude

58 Architecture of an empire Britain’s empire reshaped the world – but, argues Kwasi Kwarteng, it also forever altered the streets of its own cities

8 ANNIVERSARIES 13 HISTORY NOW 1 3 The latest history news

1 6 Backgrounder: what has been ailing Britain’s prisons?

19 MICHAEL WOOD’S VIEW 20 LETTERS 44 OUR FIRST WORLD WAR 65 BOOKS Thelatestreleasesreviewed,plus MichaelPalinonhisnewaccountof thedisappearanceofHMS Erebus

77 TV & RADIO The pick of new history programmes

81 OUT &ABOUT 81 Five things to do in November

87 MISCELLANY 87 Q&A and quiz 88 Samantha’s recipe corner 89 Prize crossword

90 MY HISTORY HERO Frances O’Grady chooses PaulRobeson


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BBC HISTORY (ISSN 1469-8552)

(USPS 024-177) November 2018 is published 13 times a year under licence from BBC Studios by Immediate Media Company Bristol Ltd, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN, UK. Distributed in the US by Circulation Specialists, Inc., 2 Corporate Drive, Suite 945, Shelton CT 06484-6238. Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, CT and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BBC HISTORY MAGAZINE, PO Box 37495, Boone, IA 50037-0495.

36 How Thomas Cromwell’s love of Italy shaped his political career

29 The remarkable legacy of the Anglo-Saxons

47 The public appeal of Winston Churchill’s emotional openness


BBC History Magazine BBC History Magazine