the philosophers’

magazine issue 34 • 2nd quarter 2006

reporter 4news hound news, plus straw poll and mediawatch

11ID carded Intelligent Design is not science – official


15bird brains do penguins prove God’s existence?

18word of mouse Luciano Floridi on an ITentity crisis thoughts 19common sense David Papineau calls for less of it


28Locke’s USA why Locke is the nation’s philosopher


33gratitudewhyeventhegodlessneedit forum 39Ted Honderich an interview on punishment, terror and regicide


49lethal politics Simon Critchley on the Bush administration


61outlawsAntonyDuff on why no one is outside the law

65national unity Richard Dees on how to get it, and why

69bully boys? the ethics of assymetric war discussion 73Roger-Pol Droit capturing the mystery of the everyday

76my philosophy novelist Salley Vickers the lowdown 79the directory listings for UK and North America

80snapshotthelowdown on Bertrand Russell


83theory of knowledge the ninth in the series inducts us to the ways of reasoning review 85new books Schiller, the enlightenment, the religious and more last words 92Bertrand’sbreakfunandgames

94lettersdefenders of Persig rally round

96the skeptic this issue’s column is gluten and lactose free subscriptions & TPM shop page 38

The Philosophers' Magazine/2nd quarter 2006