Craftsmen Potters Association William Blake House. Marshall Street , London .Wl Tei :01-437 7605

Michael Casson, past chairman of the C.P.A. and enthusiastic and generous supporter of evening meetings, weekends and committees etc., is holding a one man show at the shop from November 21 until 1 December. It promises to be an exciting event to round up a full and successful year for the Association. New Full Member Barbara Colis has been elected a full member of the Craftsmen Potters Association.

relief panels some 2'6" square. Larger ones were 3' x 4'. A number of pieces were broken on their way from Chicago; these were repaired and bought without complaint. In August Ruth spoke to a full meeting of the Craftsman Potters Association about her work in the U.S.A. A full report and illustrations of work from the German exhibition will be in the next issue of Ceramic Review. Henry Rothschild is as active as ever and announces new plans for Primavera, Kings Parade, Cambridge. Peter Simpson will inaugurate the first pottery show this autumn. One man shows are planned as annual events in the autumn and may be introduced in the spring. Next year John Maltby has been possibilities are impressive. Thought You Would Like to Know ........ This is issue No. 24 of Ceramic Review. In it an extra 4 pages have been added yet the price is root increased. Ceramic Review has been published for 4 years. In this time over 200,000 words and 600 photographs-most of them specially taken, have been included. The print order has risen from an initial 1350 for No. 1, to 4400 for the current issue. Readers, we assume, like the magazine. Some readers write to us and, incidentally, all letters received are liable to be published. Please continue to write-it is our major contact with you, the reader.

An exciting evening meeting on the pottery of Nigeria took invited. Plans for the Kettles Yard exhibition in June of next place in September. Speakers included Sylvia Leith Ross,Michael year are in hand. As well as showing ceramics by established Cardew and lan Auld. A full report in the next issue. favourites such as Hans Caper and Lucie Rie, Henry Rothschild Pottery in Australia edited by Wanda Garnsey, published by will be including work by many potters new to Kettles Yard. the Potters Society of Australia twice a year is authoritative, Final selection for the exhibition will be made in March next helpful and interesting. It can be purchased from the year. Projected plans for the Kettles Yard 1975 Exhibition Craftsman Potters Shop or direct from 30, Tarramurra Ave., are already in hand. Objects by expert craftsmen working for Turramurra N.S.W.2074; £1.50 for 2 issues. pleasure rather than profit will be featured and the A short history of pottery raw materials and the Cheddleton Flint Mills by Robert Copeland is a beautifully produced booklet with some interesting facts and figures of a neglected aspect of the pottery industry. Available for £1.1 0, inc.p.p., from the Cheddleton Flint Mill Industrial Heritage Trust, Briton House, Tittensor, Stoke-on-Trent. The Mill is open Saturday and Sunday afternoons throughout the year and entrance is free. Well worth a visit. The Maya is the subject of the new display at the Museum of Mankind, 6 Burlington Gardens, London W.1. The Exhibition includes the architecture, art and other artifacts of this fascinating civilization. Admission free until the end of the year. 'Artisan' is Pod mores' news sheet for disseminating information about new products, techniques and events. It is available from Podmore.and Sons Ltd., Caledonian Mills, Stoke-on-Trent. Dr Roy Strong has been appointed as new director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, to succeed Sir John PopeHennessy, on 1 January 1974. Aged 38 Dr Strong leaves the Directorship of the National Portrait Gallery to become head of the national museum of decorative arts. Dr Strong is particularly interested in the life and art of Tudor and Stuart England and has served on the Arts Panel of the Arts Council. Ruth Duckworth's exhibition at Kunstkammer Ludger Koster in Monchengladback, Germany in September was a great success. The majority of the pieces were earmarked by prospective customers before the exhibition opened and bought as soon as they were allowed in to the private view. On show were small delicate porcelain pieces as well as large

New and exciting plans for next year are under way. Specially commissioned articles on Lucie Rie and Mary Keepax are being prepared. Practical how-to-do-it articles on slip trailing, press-moulding, photography on pots and costing studio pottery are planned. Articles on the American Indian, Staffordshire bottle kilns and stoneware jelly moulds will look interestingly at the past. Your ideas and opinions on the contents of the magazine are welcome-photographs, suggestions and contributions, however short, are invited . Help us to make the 5th year of Ceramic Review the best one yet.

The Craftsmen Potters Association, William Blake House, Marshall .Street, London W1. Full Membership (annual subscription £4.00) is by selection and is open to practising potters in the U.K. Associate Membership (annual subscription £2.00) is open to everybody interested in pottery. Junior Membership (under 21 I 37Y..p. All members can subscribe to Ceramic Review at the reduced rate of £1.20 p.a. (Overseas £1.80). Full details from the Hon. Secretary, Craftsmen Potters Association, William Blake House, Marshall Street, London W1. Tel. 01-437 7605.