
An IC Publication  44th Year  February 2010  N° 361

South Africa: Ignore inflation, SARB told Nigeria: Manufacturers under the cosh Rwanda: Lake Kivu not dangerous World Cup: Heed Mr Micawber’s warning Uganda: Battle for oil rights Business schools booming

Special Report Mining in Africa

Return to the Motherland

Diaspora professionals head for home

 Euro Zone € 4.00  UK £3.00  USA $4.95  Algeria DA 220  Angola 500 Kwanza (AOA)  Australia A$ 7.50  Bahrain BD 1.500  Canada $5.50  CFA Zone CFA 2.500  Cyprus 3.85  Denmark DKr 33  Egypt E£ 13  Ethiopia R 20  Gambia Da 50  Ghana GH¢ 3.00  Indonesia R29,700  Jamaica $200  Japan ¥700  Jordan JD 2.500  Kenya KShs 250  Kuwait KD 1.200  Lebanon LL 5.000  Liberia US$ 3.00  Malaysia RM 14.90  Mauritius MR 150  Morocco Dh 25  Nigeria N 300  Norway NOK 59  Oman OR 1.500  Qatar QR 15  Saudi Arabia Rls 15  Sierra Leone LE 5,000  Singapore $6,90  South Africa R24.95 (inc. tax)  Other Southern African Countries R 21.90 (excl. tax)  Sweden SKr 33  Switzerland SFr 8.70  Tanzania TShs 5,000  Tunisia TD 2.500  Turkey 4.25YTL  UAE Dh 15  Uganda USh 6,750  Zambia K 12,500