A M O N T H L Y R E C O R D A N D R E V I E W O F I N T E L L E C T U A L P R O G R E S S .

No. 1 1 8.1

" OCTOBER i, 1895.

[P rice One P enny.


T he new issue of “ The Agnostic Annual ” (6d.) will be published on Monday, October 7th. As we have already announced, the opening paper is by Mr. Samuel Laing, who criticises, in his characteristically masterly style, the Right Hon. A. J . Balfour’s “ Foundations of Belief.” Mr. Amos Waters follows with a thoughtful and suggestive article on “ Agnosticism and its Equivalents;” Mr. J. Allanson Picton, in a lengthy character-sketch of Jesus Christ, traces the origin of the Christian myth ; Mr. W. Stewart Ross (Saladin) contributes a matchless poem entitled “ Psyche;” I)r. Bithell presents an Agnostic view of Theism and Monism ; Miss Constance Plumptre preaches a homily on “ Mind as Controlled by Matter ;” Mr. Charles Watts expatiates, in his practical way, on “ The Faiths of Our Forefathers;” Mr. W. A. Leonard elucidates the problem of “ Immortality ;” Mr. F. J . Gould summarises, ¡n a delightfully attractive and original manner, “ The Old Testament Library ;” and Mr. Furneaux Jordan, who always writes with acceptance, delineates “ The Physiological Bias of Religious Leaders.”

Messrs. L ongman’s scientific announcements include the second part of the late Mr. Romanes’s “ Darwin and after Darwin,’’entitled“ Post-Darwinian Questions: Heredity and Utility,” and also “ The Life and Letters of George John Romanes, F .R .S .,” written and edited by his wife, with portrait and illustrations. An important feature of the latter work will be the correspondence betvyecn Darwin and Romanes.

T he autumn list of Messrs. H. Grevel & Co. contains, in the series styled “ Histories of the Non Christian Religions,” “ The Religion of the Ancient Egyptians,” by Professor A. Wiedemann, with illustrations.

T he eighty-third thousand of Olive Schreiner’s heterodox novel, “ The Story of an African Farm ” (3s. 6d:), is announced.

Messrs. Macmillan have in the press a translation of Professor Ratzel’s “ History of Mankind,” with a preface by Dr. E. B. Tylor.

T he same firm will issue immediately “ The Works of Matthew Arnold,” in monthly volumes (5s. each).

Mr. T. F isher U nwin is publishing a third and cheaper edition of “ Charles Bradlaugh : A Record of his Life and Works ” (2 vols., 3s. 6d. each), by his daughter, Hypatia Bradlaugh-Bonner.

Messrs. G. P. Putnam’s Sons announce a valuable work, “ The History and Literature of Buddhism” (12s. 6d.), by Professor T . W. Rhys-Davids, an eminent authority on the subject.

Mr. G eorge R edway has in the press a revised and enlarged edition of Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace’s well-known work on “ Miracles and Modern Spiritualism,” to which the author made special reference in the paper he contributed to “ The Agnostic Annual ” for the present year.

Messrs. Swan Sonnenschein will publish during the autumn Mr. Leslie Stephen’s long-promised “ Ethical Discourses,” and later a compilation entitled “ Thoughts and Aspirations of the Ages,” edited by Dr. W. C. Coupland.

Messrs. Macmillan & Co. will issue at an early dote “ The Life and Letters of Thomas H. Huxley,” edited by his son.

Mr. W. H einemann announces that he will shortly publish the memoirs and correspondence of Ernest Renan. The sister of the deceased Freethinker— Henriette, to whom his “ Vie de Jesus ” was dedicated—will contribute a prefatory memoir.

Mr. E dward Maitland has written a voluminous “ Life of Anna Kingsford, M.D.,” author of “ The Perfect Way,” etc. The work will be published by Mr. George Redway.

Mr. J . M. Wheeler’s forthcoming “ Footsteps of the Past ” (3s.) has been entirely re-written, and will deal with the groundwork of all religious ideas, tracing their development from the rudest savage notions to their expression in Christian doctrine and ritual. A large number of rare works have been consulted in this compilation, and Mr. Wheeler confidently states that “ Footsteps of the Past ” will be an eye-opener. Mr. G. W. Foote will contribute an Introduction.

I t is not generally known to book buyers, or to theological students, that no fewer than thirty eight works by Professor Francis W. Newman are still in print. A new work by the same author, now in his ninety-first year, will shortly be published— “ Hebrew Jesu s : His True Creed; from Canonical Texts of the Anglicans, before Paul of Tarsus was a Christian.” All his works, classical, critical, poetical, theological, historical, and lexicographical, are published by Messrs. Stevenson, Bailey, and Smith, of Nottingham.

Mr. H. S. Olcott promises, in a new work, “ Old Diary Leaves,” to disclose the true story of the Theosophical Society. The volume will be illustrated.

T he pamphlet on “ The Bible and Local Veto,” which we announced last month that Mr. G. W. Foote was preparing for the press, is to be extended, and will be published under the title of “ Beer and Bible."

Mr. C harles Watts has written a vigorous pamphlet dealing with “ The Tactics of Christian Disputants” (id.).

Saladin’s “ Birds of Pray ” (2s. 6d.) is published. The author's characteristic style—a combination of humour, satire, and pathos—is well to the fore in this his latest work.