B E I N G A M O N T H L Y R E C O R D O F L I B E R A L A N D A D V A N C E D P U B L I C A T I O N S .

No. 94.]

S E P T EM B E R 15, 1S93.

[P r ic e One P en n y .


T h e forthcoming issue of “ The Agnostic Annual” (6d.) will be published on Monday, October 16th. One of the principal attractions will be an extraordinary paper by Professor Edwin Johnson, giving “ The True History of the Bible.” Mr. Johnson’s scholarship is unquestionable ; and, having devoted nearly the whole of his laborious life to the study o f Christian origins, the latest results of his researches will be awaited with profound curiosity. Mrs. E. Lynn Linton has chosen for her theme “ The Decadence of the Old Theology ”—a subject upon which she is peculiarly well fitted to write. The veteran Samuel Laing will contribute a lengthy article on “ Inspiration in Ex trem is,” which will consist of a vigorous reply to his critics and a masterly defence o f Rationalist thought ; Mr. Edward Clodd will dilate on “ Spiritual Wickedness in High Places,” in reply to Professor Stokes’s exposition of “ Natural Theology;” Mr. Charles Watts, with his rare common-sense, will set forth “ A Practical View of L ife ;” Mr. F. J . Gould will outline “ The Practical Consequences of Agnosticism ;” Mr. Stewart Ross (Saladin) will, as only he can, philosophise on “ The Dream of Immortality;” Mr. Frederick Millar, the Agnostic with a Materialistic bias, will ask, “ Is Immortality a Dream?” his answer to which maybe summed up in the words, “ Yes, and nothing more ;” Capt. W. B. McTaggart will, in a delightful poem, expound “ The Gospel of Love ;” Dr. Bithcll will portray, in a peculiarly happy vein, the various “ Agnostic Types;” Dr. Furneaux Jordan, a new writer, will elucidate the origin and import of “ The Religious Propensity;” and the Hon. C. K. Tuckerman, as a benediction, will soliloquise on the beauties of “ A Priest of Nature.”

Messrs. G. Putnam’s Sons will issue next month the first volume of a new edition of Thomas Paine’s works.

Dr . P a r k ’s treatise on “ Mind and Form ” (qd.), to which we referred last month, is published. It will be found to be an exceedingly thoughtful and suggestive contribution to the discussion o f the subject-title.

A p o l i t i c a l romance, under the title of “ The Great Coalition : An Adventure in Statecraft ” (is.), will be issued immediately by Messrs. Watts & Co. The author, who is a distinguished litté rateur, writes from the Individualist standpoint, and graphically delineates the history of a unique experiment in political government.

M is s H e len G a rd en er , favourably known as the author of “ Men, Women, and Gods,” has published a new book entitled “ Facts and Fictions of Life” (2s. 6d.). The problems of sex, heredity, divorce, etc., arc treated with characteristic originality.

The third number of Frederick Millar’s quarterly magazine, The L ib erty R ev iew , will be published by Messrs. Watts & Co. on the 25th inst., and will contain the following important articles : “ On the Reasonableness of Personal Direction in Personal Matters,” by Miss Constance E. Plumptre ; “ The Conflicts between Capital and Labour in Germany,” by Herr H. A. Bueck ; “ Natural Wealth,” by J . C. Spence; “ The Crofter Question,” by Lt.-Gen. Traill Burroughs ; “ Should Experiments on Animals be Prohibited by Law?” by Marc Armand Rufier, M.A., M.D. ; and “ How to Remedy the Evils of Local Government,” by Dr. E. L. Sellon.

T he first volume of “ The Religion of Science Library,” which is just issued, is appropriately devoted to an exposition of “ The Religion of Science” (is. 6d.), by Dr. Paul Carus. The splendid enterprise of the Open Court Publishing Company is deserving of grateful recognition, and we trust that the admirable reprints of which this is intended to be the first will be heartily supported by all sections of Rationalists.

M rs. Deland, the author of “ John Ward, Preacher,” one of the best heterodox novels published during recent years, is engaged on a new work of fiction, dealing with the problem of divorce for incompatibility.

M e ssrs. Macmillan have decided to issue a [collected edition of Professor Huxley’s works, in monthly volumes, commencing in October. The first six volumes of the scries will consist of papers collected under the following titles: “ Method and Results,” “ Darwiniana,” “ Science and Hebrew Tradition,” “ Science and Christian Tradition,” and “ Hume.”

A new edition of the Right Hon. A. J . Balfour’s “ A Defence of Philosophic Doubt ” will be published early in the autumn.

O U R L I B R A R Y S H E L V E S .

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S lowly but inevitably the best Christian thought follows in the wake of Rationalism. What the Agnostic critic announces to-day the enlightened Christian conscience will accept to-morrow. One can scarcely imagine what the poet Cowper or the Evangelicals of the Simeon and Legh Richmond school would say if they could peruse Canon S. R. Driver’s recent “ Introduction to

TH E L ITERATURE OK THE OLD TESTAMENT ” (International Theological Library ; T. and T. Clark ; fourth edition; 18 92; 543pp.; 12s.). Here is a Regius Professor of Hebrew and a dignitary of the Established Church playing havoc with venerable traditions, and reducing the Old Testament to a collection of books written at times quite remote from what orthodoxy has taught, under quite different conditions, and by quite other hands ! And the criticism is so exact and systematic. Canon Driver does

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