Information and ideas from the Ecologist Back issues still available contain major articles on: Population No standing room: Population control for Britain? by Aubrey Manning. July, 1970. Population and inflation by W. M. S. Russell. February, 1971. The sardine syndrome: Overcrowding and social tension by Claire and W. M. S. Russell. August, 1970. Energy and Resources Eskimo Knell: The Alaskan oil boom and the Eskimo by Robert Allen. July, 1970. Is there a peaceful atom? The dangers of nuclear power by Peter Bunyard. July, 1970. Mined out! Our diminishing natural resources by Preston Cloud. August, 1970. The power crisis by Peter Bunyard. September, 1970. Food and Agriculture The farm drugs scandal: Antibiotics and factory farming by Joanne Bowers. August, 1970. Green revolution: genetic backlash. A discussion by four experts. October, 1970. Green revolution: social boomerang. FAO's 2nd World Food Conference by Michael Allaby. September, 1970. Integrated pest control and the human environment by Walter Ryder. March, 1972. Man-made plagues: Return to natural controls in Malaysia by Gordon R. Conway. October, 1970. One jump ahead of Malthus: Can we avoid world famine? by Michael Allaby. July, 1970. Spanner in the soil: Destruction of Britain's farmland fertility by L . B. Powell. December, 1970. Where have all the hedges gone? by Michael Allaby. October, 1970. Why not ban DDT? by Michael Allaby. April, 1972. Pollution The ailing air by Eric Albone. September, 1970. Britain's dying chalk streams by D. S. Martin. April, 1971. Can the seas survive? Long-term effects of pollution on marine life by J. David George. March, 1971. PCBs by John Noble and Harry Rothman. January, 1971. Pollution and the individual by J. Mclaughlin. August, 1972. S02: acid in the sky by R. T. Briggs. November, 1972. Trace elements in the human environment by Henry A. Schroeder. May. 1971. Economics Economics and entropy by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen. July, 1972. The economics of hope by E. J. Mishan. January, 1971. The stationary-state economy by Herman E. Daly. July, 1972 Health Development and disease in Africa by Charles C. Hughes and John M. Hunter. September and October, 1972. The medicine of industrial man by John Powles. October, 1972. k Tribal minorities The Amerindian tragedy by Shirley Keith. April, 1972. The last hunters of the Sahara: the Nemadi of Mauretania by Bruce Chatwin. August, 1970. Progress to oblivion: the Australian Aborgines by R. A. Gould. September, 1972. Robbed of a future: the Brazilian Indians by John Hemmings. November, 1972. Tribal minorities: What can we do? by Robert Allen. November, 1972. Tribal societies in the modern world by Robin Hanbury-Tenison. November, 1972. The Stockholm Conference The UN Conference on the Human Environment: Special issue. June, 1972. Can Stockholm survive New York? by Robert Allen. October, 1972. Other important issues Affluence and the elderly by W. Ferguson Anderson. April, 1972. A Blueprint applied: a workers' cooperative industry by Michael Allaby. October, 1972. The costs of urbanisation by Kenneth E. F. Watt. February, 1972. The dangers of chemical and biological warfare by Judith Nottingham. February, 1972.

Education and environment by Walter P. Fenwick. August, 1972. A land in balance: Disruption of Great Plains ecology by L . J. and A. Mlines. November, 1970. Low energy housing by Andrew MacKillop. December, 1972. A model of behaviour by Edward Goldsmith. December, 1972. Russian roulette: Environmental disruption in the Soviet Union by Marshall Goldman. December, 1970. The stable society: Can we achieve it? by Edward Goldsmith. December, 1970. Will man adapt to megalopolis? The modern city and social health by Rene Dubos. October, 1970. Back issues cost 30p each, including postage. Complete volumes are also available: Vol. 1 (18 issues) at £5.50 including index.

Vol. 2 (12 issues) at £3.00 including index.