Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Palestinians in Gaza ‘can’t be silent’ 8 Selfie paradise in Nepal 9 Japanese women combat chikan 9 Nazis vs nightlife in Tbilisi 9 Introducing… Carlos Alvarado Quesada 10 UK’s anti-fracking summer 10 British aid for Bahrain repression 11 Peruvian workers in London unite 11 Green cities: better for everyone PLUS: Open Window, with guest cartoonist Oğuz Demir from
Turkey; and Reasons to be Cheerful.
The Big Story – The next financial crisis
l a m y
l c h e r / A
B e
i m o n
12 When the world almost ended Ten years after the greatest economic crisis since the Great
Depression, Yohann Koshy takes stock of what went wrong and where we are . 16 The carbon bubble An impending catastrophe linking the stock market to
climate change. 17 The next financial crisis Leading economists on the many fragilities that exist in
today’s financial order. Which of these might trigger the next crisis? 23 China: a post-neoliberal order? For Martin Jacques, 2008 represented the end of the
Western-dominated financial system and the beginning of a Chinese century. 26 Home sweet home The foreclosure crisis in the US is still a reality for many. Jack
Crosbie reports on the human cost of finance.
Features 30 Inside the post-truth laboratory
Lorraine Mallinder reports from Hungary where media-savvy young peo ple are producing propaganda for Viktor Orbán. 32 The interveners In India, Sophie Cousins spends time
with women activists who are slowly shifting the stigma around mental health and getting patients the help they need – but it’s no easy feat. 34 Against their will Lea Surugue and Gisella Ligios report from the Czech
Republic where Roma women who were forcibly sterilized are demanding the authorities take responsibility.
C h e e n a K a p o o r
Opinion 37 Mark Engler How to make housing a human right. 43 Omar Hamdi Is the ‘Data Mafia’ here to stay? PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World.
Mixed media 38 Film reviews A pick of documentaries from the Toronto’s Hot Docs festival. 40 Book reviews The Water Thief by Claire Hajaj; The Old Slave and the
Mastiff by Patrick Chamoiseau; The Neighborhood by Mario Vargas Llosa. 41 Music reviews Bush Lady by Alanis Obomsawin; Under Frustration, Vol 1
by Arabstazy.
Regulars 6 Letters 7 Letter from Marabá Dan Baron Cohen returns from a visit to the Kayapó territory,
his arms and face painted in celebration of Day of the Indian. 28 Country Profile: Botswana 36 Worldbeater: Isaias Afwerki
We put the President of Eritrea’s track record – liberation fighter turned ruthless dictator – under the spotlight. 42 Making Waves Claire Nouvian speaks to Veronique Mistiaen about why
she has dedicated her life to protecting the ocean from overfishing and other human threats. 44 Southern Exposure Three impressively ‘swagged out’ Yemeni men strike a pose
for Hadeer Omar following Eid al-Adha prayers in New York. 45 Puzzle page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Blind musical duo Amadou & Mariam speak to Graeme
Green about the ‘refugee crisis’ and why extremists will never stop the music in Mali.
Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Ian Nixon. Cover illustration: Volker Straeter All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Coming soon: Peace – our relaunch issue
New I nter nationalist ● July/august 2018 ● 5