I n thi s issu e Vol. 5. No. 7. Aug/Sept 1975

Edward Goldsmith

Alison Anderson

David Laing

Nicholas Georgescu-Roegan

Virgil J . Vogel

M. G. Miller

EDITORIAL J.P . Narayan — A Statesman of World Importance


An Expendable People Can cash compensate Indian tribes for the destruction of their homelands?

The Phosphate Connection The world's phosphate reserves are nearly exhausted: this has dramatic implications for world agriculture.

Energy and Economic Myths: Part 2. I f economists did not work in a vacuum they would realise that even a stationary economy, at the present level, is not sustainable.

Indian Health and Disease American Indians appear to have been very healthy until diseases from the west were brought to them by early settlers.

The Case for Water Transport I n this country, unlike France and W. Germany the use of waterways for freight transport is still declining, and yet i t appears to have everything i n its favour.



Classified Ads.

This Month's Cover: Hopi Pottery Tiles: Design by Elizabeth Moya. Note: While every care is taken with manuscripts submitted for publication, the Editors cannot guarantee to return those not accepted. Articles published in the Ecologist do not necessarily express the views of the Editors. Editor: Edward Goldsmith. Assistant Editor: Ruth Lumley-Smith. Associate Editors: Robert Allen, Michael Allaby, Peter Bunyard, Brian Johnson, Jimoh Omo Fadaka,

Andrew McKillop, Robert Waller, Lawrence Hills, John Papworth, John Davoll, Richard Willson, John Milton (U.S.A.), Peter Freeman. (U.S.A.)

All communications should be sent to: The Ecologist, 73 Molesworth Street, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 7DS, England. Tel: Wadebridge 2996. Advertising enquiries to Philip Hutchings, Uphill Cottage, Urchfont, Devizes, Wilts. Tel: Chirton (038 084) 370. Published by Ecosystems Ltd. Registered Office as above. Distributed by: A.M.D. Ltd., Roding Trading Estate, London Road, Barking, Essex IG11 88U. Printed by Penwell Limited, Parkwood, Callington, Cornwall.

Ecologist Vol. 5. No. 7.