Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Po st-election violence in Honduras 8 Ch inese pollution on Gambian coast 9 Sa nctuary boroughs in London 9 In troducing… Cyril Ramaphosa 9 Bo ycott Turkish holidays, say Kurds 10 Th e politics of grazing in Cameroon 10 Li fe after the Nauru detention centre 11 St op the Balkans dams craze 11 Fr ida Kahlo’s problematic doll PLUS: Scratchy Lines by Sim on Kneebone and Rea sons to be


The Big Story – Public ownership

I m a g e s

i c a r d o A r d u e n g o /A F P/ G e t t y


12 The case for public ownership

A fter decades of neglect, the mood is turning. Dinyar Godrej on the fightback against privatization. 16 Un happy 70th birthday NHS?

B ritain’s beacon of medical provision is being hollowed out by privatization, says Youssef ElGingihy. 18 The e fficiency myth

Nick Dowson dismantles the notion that the private sector does things better. 20 The p eople strike back

Communities across the world taking back control of services and resources. 22 An en d to Jakarta’s water woes?

A civil society lawsuit has ended the city’s water sell-off. But the fight isn’t over. Febriana Firdaus reports. 24 The almighty investor

av inia Ste infort on the insidious ‘investor protection mechanisms’ that stack the odds in favour of corporations and against the public interest. 26 Rec laiming the city

In the Barcelona area, local governments and citizens are transforming municipal politics, finds Luke St obart.


Features 30 This land is my land

I an Neubauer reports from the island of Bougainville, where eco-rebels chased away a mining company 30 years ago. With the company planning its return, trouble is brewing. 42 Q&A w ith Pervez

Hoodbhoy Pe rvez Hoodbhoy, one of South Asia’s leading nuclear

physicists, talks to Andy Heintz about religious extremism and why the word ‘liberal’ is so unpopular in Pakistan.

Opinion 37 Steve Parry Pass me my tinfoil hat.

PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World. 44 Ma rk Engle r Shutting down guns and greed.

I a n N e u b a u e r

Mixed media 38 Film reviews The B east, directed and written by Michael Pearce; The

oun d (Inxeba), directed and co-written by John Trengove. 39 Mu sic reviews V isit Malphino by Malphino; Universalists by Yonatan Gat. 40 Book reviews

wo Sister s by Åsne Seierstad; A M oonless, Sta rless Sky by Alexis Okeowo; Brother in Ice by Alicia Kopf, translated by Mara Faye Lethem. 41 Graphic novel reviews My Brother’s Husband by Gengoroh Tagame; Wha t does

consent really mean? by Pete Wallis and Thalia Wallis, illustrated by Joseph Wilkins. PL US: Also out there…

Regulars 6 Letters PL US: Open Window, with guest cartoonist Hossien Rezaye

from Afghanistan. 7 Let ter from Marabá D an Baron Cohen writes from the Brazilian community

of Marabá where regional violence is being mirrored by Mother Nature. 28 Co untry Profile: Lebanon 36 Sou thern Exp osure

Eg yptian photographer Mostafa Bassim captures a bittersweet moment on a side street in Cairo. 45 Pu zzle page PL US: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally She ’s survived cancer, two heart attacks and even fractured a

few ribs on stage. Tobago’s music legend Calypso Rose talks gender equality and her 60-year career with Sian Griffiths.

Magazine designed by Ian Nixon and Juha Sorsa. Cover illustration: Alex Hahn. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Coming soon: The media

New I nter nat io nal ist ● MAY 2018 ● 5