Scottish Opera at the Theatre Royal, Glasgow SIMON BOCCANEGRA (New P ro duction) October 4, 7, 10, 14, 19 Simon Boccanegra Jan Derksen Fiesco Robert L loyd Pietro Norman W h i te Paolo Malcolm D onnelly/D ona ld Maxwell Amelia Gabriela Cegolea Gabriele A l le n Cathcart Captain Malcolm A itk en Conductor Henry Lewis Producer Peter Ebert Set Designer Peter Rice Costume Designer M ario Vanarelli Lighting V ic to r Lockwood S c o t t is h Opera C ho ru s S co ttis h Philharm on ia
JENUFA October 18, 21, 24, 28, November 2 Jenufa Wendy Fine Kostelnicka Pauline T in s le y Laca A l le n Cathcart Steva G regory Dempsey Foreman Donald Maxwell Mayor Norman W h ite Mayor's Wife C a ro l-A n n e Petherick Karolka Una Buchanan Jano G illia n Ramsden Conductor A le xander G ib son Producer David Pountney Designer Maria B jo rn son Lighting V ic to r Lockwood Choreographer T e rry G i lb e r t S co ttis h Opera C horus BBC S co t t is h Sym phony O rchestra Full details from Box O ffice , Theatre Royal, Hope S treet, G la sgow G2 3QA T e le phone: 041-331 1234
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