©IPUIBilFounded by the Earl of Harewood A N N U A L ^ FESTIVAL IS SU E A U T U M N 1968
Editor: HAROLD ROSENTHAL Associate Editors: a l a n b l y t h and Ar t h u r J a c o b s Editorial Board: p h i l i p h o p e -w a l l a c e , w i l l i a m m a n n , A N D R E W P O R T E R , D E S M O N D S H A W E -T A Y L O R , JO H N W A R R A C K
CONTENTS Aix-en-Provence Comes of Age by Tony Mayer
List of operas (with casts) performed at Aix, 1948-1967
The 1968 Aix Festival by Alan Blyth
Glyndebourne Below Par by Harold Rosenthal
Aldeburgh’s Punch and Judy by Arthur Jacobs
Britten, Strauss and Wagner at Edinburgh by Harold Rosenthal and Alan Blyth
Salzburg’s new ‘Giovanni’ & ‘Barber’ by Kurt Honolka
Prague before the Deluge by James Helme Sutcliffe page 7
‘Boccanegra’ has its Danish Premiere by Svend A. K. Roewade 73 Back to Tradition at Bayreuth by Richard Law 78 Munich’s Fine ‘Salome’ by James Helme Sutcliffe 85 Halle’s Handel Festival by Julian Herbage 95 Holland’s 21st Festival by Harold Rosenthal 99 Florence’s ‘Robert the Devil’ by Lord Harewood 103 Spoleto’s Novel T ristan ’ by Luigi Bellingardi 113 Verona’s 100th ‘Aida’ by Roger Bramble 116 Also reviews of other performances at Glyndebourne, Bath, Oxford, City of London, Edinburgh ; Bregenz, Graz, Vienna ; N ic e ; Schwetzingen, Munich ; Florence . . . by—
Arthur Jacobs, Richard Law, Alan Blyth, Kenneth Loveland,
Noel Goodwin, Conrad Wilson, Michael Marcus, Christopher Norton Welsh, Marcel Achille, Greville Rothon,
Elizabeth Forbes
Cover picture: ‘II Barbiere d i Siviglia’ at the Aix-en-Provence
Festival, 1965