Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Between Sudan and a hard place 8 Ukraine’s HIV epidemic 9 Justice for Giulio Regeni 9 Here comes the sun in Latin America 9 Introducing… Katrín Jakobsdóttir 10 Victory in Cambodia over sand dredgers 10 Life after Putin 11 UK detention deaths 11 White saviours on TV Plus: Scratchy Lines by Simon Kneebone and
Reasons to be Cheerful
The Big Story – Black Lives Matter
I m a g e s
/ G e t t y
R a y f o r d
S e a n
12 A challenge to power Amy Hall on the global fight for black liberation. 16 Black lives – THE FACTS 18 The fight goes on Jamilah King on how Black Lives Matter has changed
US politics. 20 Reclaiming Pride by janaya khan.
Black Girl Magic by Natty Kasambala. 21 A policy of extermination The racialized violence of the Brazilian state – a report by
Vanessa Martina Silva. 23 Rivers of Meeting Young people in Brazil reconnect with their African roots by Amy Hall. 24 Working class in Britain? You must be white Kam Sandhu questions some persistent assumptions. 26 Our lives, our lands
Amy McQuire on why land is the lifeblood of Aboriginal people in Australia. 27 Six ways to be a better ally from Kristina Wong.
Magazine designed by Andy Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. Cover image: Sean Rayford/Getty Images. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Features 30 No promised land
Nishtha Chugh reports on how Israel is failing Sudanese and Eritrean asylum seekers. 32 A Q&A with Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky shares his views with Andy Heintz on America’s ‘free trade agreements’, North Korea and the dangers of a ‘charismatic demagogue’ as president. 34 What the land grabbers did next In 2013, New Internationalist met communities in
Mozambique resisting a land rush by foreign firms. Five years on, Nils Adler checks in. 42 Women against mining – and for the good life How photography is helping Peruvian women document life near the largest goldmine in Latin America.
Opinion 43 Kate Smurthwaite Riding out the #MeToo backlash.
Plus: Polyp’s Big Bad World. 44 Mark Engler When ‘America First’ is a corporate scam.
Mixed media 38 Film reviews A Fantastic Woman, written and directed by Sebastián
Lelio; Custody (Jusqu’à la garde), written and directed by Xavier Legrand. 39 Music reviews Your Queen Is a Reptile by Sons of Kemet; Radyo Siwèl by Mélissa Laveaux. 40 Book reviews A Line in the River by Jamal Mahjoub; Political Tribes by Amy Chua; Building and Dwelling by Richard Sennett; Deport, Deprive, Extradite by Nisha Kapoor. Plus: Also out there…
Regulars 6 Letters PLUS: Open Window, with guest cartoonist Rice Araujo from Brazil. 7 Letter from Cochabamba Amy Booth bids farewell to Cochabamba and shares what the ‘big village’ has revealed to her. 28 Country Profile: Paraguay 36 Making Waves
Nick Dowson speaks to Anabela Carlón Flores, an indigenous lawyer and campaigner who, in the face of pipeline companies, is a force to be reckoned with. 37 Southern Exposure From Girma Berta’s Moving Shadows II series, we catch a glimpse of daily life on the busy streets of Addis Ababa. 45 Puzzle page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Despite a traumatic beginning, US singer-songwriter Nahko shares with Graeme Green how he’s turned his pain into positivity.
Coming soon: Humanitarianism under threat
New I nter nat io nal ist ● march 2018 ● 5