‡ Modern, intuitive
‡ Modern, intuitive software
‡ Modern, intuitive software software
‡ Combine
‡ Combine
‡ Combine up to 3 units up to 3 units up to 3 units
‡ A large variety
‡ A large variety
‡ A large variety of PCR consumables can be used of PCR consumables can be used of PCR consumables can be used
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PCR Next to Me
PCR Next to Me
PCR Next to Me
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus: combine, connect, control
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus: combine, connect, control
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus: combine, connect, control
In the age of networking, the new Mastercycler nexus is your reliable companion when it comes to the daily routine of PCR. It is easy to use, does not need much space or energy and sends you an e-mail when it is done – what else do you need from a PCR cycler?
In the age of networking, the new Mastercycler nexus is your reliable companion when it comes to the daily routine of PCR. It is easy to use, does not need much space or energy and sends you an e-mail when it is done – what else do you need from a PCR cycler?
In the age of networking, the new Mastercycler nexus is your reliable companion when it comes to the daily routine of PCR. It is easy to use, does not need much space or energy and sends you an e-mail when it is done – what else do you need from a PCR cycler?
Low energy consumption and a small footprint make it not only fit to your budget, but also to your precious lab space. Of course, all common PCR tubes and plates fit – and if your throughput becomes even higher, you can easily connect one or two Mastercycler nexus eco to the main unit. Enter the age of networking – with the new Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus as your reliable companion!
Low energy consumption and a small footprint make it not only fit to your budget, but also to your precious lab space. Of course, all common PCR tubes and plates fit – and if your throughput becomes even higher, you can easily connect one or two Mastercycler nexus eco to the main unit. Enter the age of networking – with the new Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus as your reliable companion!
Low energy consumption and a small footprint make it not only fit to your budget, but also to your precious lab space. Of course, all common PCR tubes and plates fit – and if your throughput becomes even higher, you can easily connect one or two Mastercycler nexus eco to the main unit. Enter the age of networking – with the new Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus as your reliable companion!
Combine, Connect, Control ‡ Combine up to 3 units for ultimate throughput! ‡ Connect your Mastercycler nexus to your computer
Combine, Connect, Control ‡ Combine up to 3 units for ultimate throughput! ‡ Connect your Mastercycler nexus to your computer
Combine, Connect, Control ‡ Combine up to 3 units for ultimate throughput! ‡ Connect your Mastercycler nexus to your computer network and get a status e-mail to your desk! ‡ Control all the relevant parameters of your PCR
network and get a status e-mail to your desk! ‡ Control all the relevant parameters of your PCR
network and get a status e-mail to your desk! ‡ Control all the relevant parameters of your PCR
through the intuitive software through the intuitive software through the intuitive software
More Information: www.eppendorf.com/pcr
More Information: www.eppendorf.com/pcr
More Information: www.eppendorf.com/pcr
Your local distributor: www.eppendorf.com/worldwide · Application Support: E-Mail: support@eppendorf.com
Eppendorf UK · Endurance House · Vision Park Histon · Cambridge · CB24 9ZR
Your local distributor: www.eppendorf.com/worldwide · Application Support: E-Mail: support@eppendorf.com
Your local distributor: www.eppendorf.com/worldwide · Application Support: E-Mail: support@eppendorf.com
Tel: +44 (0)1223 200 440 · Fax: +44 (0)1223 200 441 · E-Mail: sales@eppendorf.co.uk · www.eppendorf.co.uk
Eppendorf UK · Endurance House · Vision Park Histon · Cambridge · CB24 9ZR
Eppendorf UK · Endurance House · Vision Park Histon · Cambridge · CB24 9ZR
Tel: +44 (0)1223 200 440 · Fax: +44 (0)1223 200 441 · E-Mail: sales@eppendorf.co.uk · www.eppendorf.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1223 200 440 · Fax: +44 (0)1223 200 441 · E-Mail: sales@eppendorf.co.uk · www.eppendorf.co.uk