V O L U M E 1 3 I S S U E 1 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3


Mesmerised in Moscow A Living Skansa 6 JW3 – a new chapter in open Jewish life? Cultural bonanza


7 dame Vivien duffield talks to david Russell about her philanthropy and how JW3 was born 9 Judaism and Human Rights Shaiya Rothberg argues that human rights is a central concept in traditional Judaism bRITAIN’S ISRAELIS 12 The Ultimate Transnationals Steven Gold looks at the attitude of the Israeli state to its expats and of emigrant Israelis to their host communities 13 How Many?! daniel Vulkan explains why it’s so difficult to know how many Israelis live in the UK 14 The Ultimate Israeli Janet Levin’s interview with ALondon editor-in chief Anat Koren 15 Not so Separate Contributors to the Jewish Community 16 Getting Together Ronnie Lavie on activities for London’s young Israelis 17 The Second Generation diane Lukeman asks young people about language, identity and army service 18 Finding the Words Architect-poet Irit Katz in conversation with Tamar drukker 20 Israelis in Leeds Nigel Grizzard THE CULTURAL CONTRIbUTION 21 daphna Sadeh Interview by Gil Karpas 22 Rivka Golani Anthony Wilkinson 23 Ariella Eshed Judi Herman’s interview with the director who brings Israeli and british theatre together 24 Zadok ben-david Julia Weiner talks to the Yemeni-born visual artist 25 Hofesh Shechter The composer/ choreographer talks to Judi Herman

FILM: UK JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL 38 The Jewish Cardinal and Regina reviewed by

Alex Radzyner 39 Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy and

The Inheritance reviewed by Judi Herman

MUSIC 40 A Musical Treasure Trove Malcolm Miller reports from the World Congress of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem 41 bringing back the bird Who Flew Away Jay Prosser’s review of the latest album by UK-based Sephardi band Los desterrados bRITAIN’S ISRAELIS PAGE 11


bOOKS ANd WRITERS 42 Feisty Heroine, Feisty Writer deborah brooks in conversation with Eve Harris about her debut novel The Marrying of Chani Kaufman 44 david Herman reviews Simon Schama’s Story of the Jews – the book and the TV series 45 Return of the Jew by Katka Reszke reviewed by Connie Webber 46 Ousama Saki reviews Under Moroccan Skies by Raphael david Elmaleh and George Ricketts 47 Hotel Savoy by Joseph Roth reviewed by Peter Falush

Welcome to the Free Zone by Nathalie and Ladislas Gara reviewed by Judith Mirzoeff 48 Yigal Zalmona’s A Century of Israeli Art reviewed by Monica bohm-duchen 50 Maureen Kendler reviews Jews and Jewishness in British Children’s Literature by Madelyn Travis 51 Stephen Wilson’s Poetics of the Diaspora reviewed by Liz Cashdan

CARTOONISTS 52 Stalin’s Favourite Cartoonist Timothy benson tells the story of boris Efimov

FOOd 54 The Israeli Revolution Agi Erdos interviews chef Oren Goldfeld

55 Ottolenghi’s Waves Agi Erdos And in brighton... Yael breuer LAST WORdS


56 Hebrish or Engbrew? Tamar S drukker

C E N T R E S E C T I O N : P A G E S 2 7 - 3 7 T H R E E - M O N T H G U I d E T O E V E N T S I N T H E U K A N d b E Y O N d

Cover picture: Hofesh Shechter with his company in rehearsal for Sun Photo: Jake Walters See Judi Herman’s interview with Hofesh Shechter on page 25