V O L U M E 1 2 I S S U E 2 j a n U a r y 2 0 1 3


4 Judaica 21 Announces Winners 5 What Makes a Jewish Museum Hum? 6 A Caucasian Interfaith Model 7 Israel’s Conflict and the Headlines IDENTITY

8 Redefining Judaism

Helga Abraham visits one of Israel’s new secular yeshivas 10 What is the Future for European Jewry? David Ariel reports on a conference that discussed the present state and future prospects of the Jews of Europe


12 Timeline 13 Braving the Court of the Emir Dancer of the Harem 14 Under Muslim Rule Russian Domination Cheryll Berrebi

15 Leaders in Samarkand

The Revolution Arrives Barukh and Khanna Get Married 16 In Communist Times

Refuge from the Nazi Advance Fella Szwabel 17 Monsieur Porcelaine Yvan Berrebi

Refuge from Socialist Realism The Amazing Savitsky Museum 18 Did you mean Exodus? Yvan Berrebi 19 The October 2012 Sherpa/JR tour

1. Samarkand The Kalontarov Legacy 20 Shabbat in Samarkand 22 Faces in the Cemetery 23 2. Bukhara 24 The Only Opera Singer in Bukhara

Caring for the Community 25 3. Tashkent: An Ashkenazi Story Mara Segal 26 The Music of Bukhara Louis Wenger 27 Where Are They Now? Judith Mirzoeff 28 A Cultural Renaissance




ExHIBITIONS 37 Two Icons Brought to Life David Herman on new exhibitions in New York 38 Yekke Artists of Jerusalem Angela Levine on the Tichos and their circle MUSIC 40 Natalie Clein Celebrates Bloch The star cellist talks to David Conway about her latest recording 42 Yasmin Levy: Libertad Jay Prosser talks to the Ladino singer and reviews her latest album 43 Let the People Sing Judi Herman finds out how viv Bellos has inspired generations of singers at Alyth

FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION 45 The Textline Helga Abraham in conversation with Amos Oz and his daughter Fania Oz-Salzberger

BOOKS 47 Colin Shindler reviews Mordechai Bar-On’s Moshe Dayan: Israel’s Controversial Hero and Fortress Israel by Patrick Tyler 48 The Holocaust in Italian Culture Robert S. Gordon’s book is reviewed by Susan Kikoler 49 David Herman reviews Pursuit of the Nazi Mind by Daniel Pick 50 valery Rees’s From Gabriel to Lucifer: A Cultural History of Angels is reviewed by Maureen Kendler Peter Falush reviews Halik Kochanski’s The Eagle Unbowed: Poland and the Poles in WW2 51 volume 10 of The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization reviewed by Janet Levin 52 Agi Erdos reviews The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture by Yoram Hazony 53 Review by Deborah Brooks of Edith Pearlman’s Binocular Vision and My Mother was an Upright Piano by Tania Hershman Malcolm Forbes reviews The Wanting by Michael Lavigne

POETRY CHOICE 54 Liz Cashdan chooses poems by Harriet Shenkman and Georgia varjas

FOOD 55 A Bukharian Feast Judith Mirzoeff LAST WORDS 56 Bokhari Imanuel Rybakov

C E N T R E S E C T I O N : P A G E S 2 9 - 3 7 T H R E E - M O N T H G U I D E T O E v E N T S I N T H E U K A N D B E Y O N D

Cover picture: E Korovay, Pink Women of Bukhara, Morning, 1832, courtesy of the Karakalpak State Museum of Art