V O L U M E 1 2 I S S U E 1 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 2

3 from the editor 2 letters ` what’s new?

4 bosnians celebrate 6 jmi’s autumn relaunch jewish learning meets Creativity in tel aviv 7 new life for the Kibbutz? soCiety

8 a baron’s Vision david russell talks to baron maurice glasman, about the ‘blue labour’ ideas he derives from jewish tradition the jews of brazil

Kitty and ezequiel rosman 12 timeline brazil is a young country and the jewish people has been a part of its history from the outset 12 first Congregation in the americas 13 emperor goes to shul in london

13 the long arm of the inquisition 14 amazonian stories 14 the rabbi who became a saint 15 yiddish theatre in eldorado paula ribeiro and susane worcman 16 the german roots of brazil’s largest synagogues other Communities 17 lasar segall – bringing modern art to brazil 18 the most important jewish writer since Kafka? benjamin moser on Clarice lispector 19 moacyr scliar janet levin 20 the Crypto-jews of brazil arthur benveniste 21 making a difference the brazilian jewish Choir 22 inspired in london . . . 23 a jCC of dreams 24 the amazing hospital einstein a flavour of jewish sao paulo judi herman for Visitors film 33 israel in Close up judi herman samples films coming to the uK jewish film festival 34 Zaytoun judi herman talks to director and producer of the first uK israel co-production jews of brazil page 12

Kitaj in berlin page 44

israel in Close up page 33

danCe 36 batsheva judi herman finds out what is special about the batsheva ensemble that will tour the uK musiC 38 when death went on strike michael haas talks to james Conway about his eto production of Viktor ullmann’s Emperor of Atlantis and gives the background of the opera 40 meyerbeer re-evaluated david Conway reassesses the life of the german jewish composer art 42 judy Chicago in the uK galit mana talks to the iconic feminist artist whose uK exhibitions are opening in november 44 Kitaj in berlin monica bohm-duchen’s report on the berlin exhibition of the artist’s work booKs 46 a story about a boy Called maurice michael rosen pays tribute to children’s writer maurice sendak from generation to generation 48 My Father’s Paradise ariel sabar tells agi erdos how writing his Kurdish father’s story has changed their relationship reViews

50 I am Forbidden by anouk markovits and Whatever is Contained Must be Released by helene aylon reviewed by judith mirzoeff 51 Judaism: All that Matters by Keith Kahn-harris reviewed by fiona smith

Jews in America by stephen d. Corrsin and New Israel/New England by michael hoberman reviewed by david herman 52 howard jacobson’s Zoo Time reviewed by deborah brooks shoshi ish-horowicz reviews The Liars’ Gospel by naomi alderman poetry 53 whose landscape is it anyway? liz Cashdan explores the landscape of israel reflected in poetry 55 review joanne limburg’s The Oxygen Man reviewed by liz Cashdan poetry Choice liz Cashdan chooses holocaust poems by Karen siem and miriam halahmy last words

56 aramaic as i spoke it yona sabar

C e n t r e s e C t i o n : p a g e s 2 5 - 3 2 t h r e e - m o n t h g u i d e t o e V e n t s i n t h e u K a n d b e y o n d

Cover image: photo of eto’s Emperor of Atlantis cast members by richard hubert smith, see page 38