V O L U M E 1 1 I S S U E 2 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2

2 Letters 3 from the editor what’s new

4 orthodox in oxford to call for greater inclusiveness medical news from israel 5 Popular violinist Becomes jmi director Book week news hoLocaust memory

6 what we should tell the children david herman’s views on how survivors should communicate with their families about the holocaust 7 Poland confronts its jewish Past joanna michlic analyses the complex attitudes in Poland today towards the memory of its jews judaism and... 11 judaism and withcraft maureen kendler 12 witches and rabbis agi erdos the jews of yorkshire

14 Leeds timeline nigel grizzard the Burton story nigel grizzard 15 my dining room table cheryll Berrebi 17 the rebbe in the morning – the revie in the afternoon anthony clavane

18 Leeds artists: jacob kramer gill komoly 19 joash woodrow antonia stowe janet Levin 20 celebrating creativity – helen frais

Putting Leeds on the map janet Levin talks to dame fanny waterman 22 a good Place to come Back to ellie ruhan, jason kleiman and simon Phillips give their views 23 radio jcom cricket – and more an interfaith project 24 catching a community janet Levin watches simon glass’s new film 25 Bradford timeline nigel grizzard 26 recovery and renaissance the silvers and saltaire 27 a Long way to the nearest shul from iraq to scarborough janet Levin in Pontefract judy weleminsky sounds of israeL Page 36

PoLand and its jews Page 7

Leeds artists Page 18

music 36 sounds of israel – sounds of the world abigail wood reports from the jerusalem international oud festival 38 cd choice three israeli world music cds recommended by abigail wood theatre 39 Travelling light with nicholas hytner judi herman interviews the director about his new production at the national theatre art 42 judah Passow in London dorothy Bohm and judi herman talk to the photographer about his forthcoming exhibition 46 kiefer in tel aviv angela Levine visits the exhibition launching a new wing at the tel aviv museum 48 esther reimagined Lilian Broca explains her mosaic project Books 50 what is jewish art? julia weiner reviews three books about jewish art and artists 51 righteous British gentiles judith mirzoeff reviews heroes of the holocaust by Lyn smith 52 torah for everyone david weitzmann’s review of Torah: a Beginner’s guide and Open-Minded Torah 53 different ways of telling their story agi erdos looks at memoirs by anita canter, eva mayer schay and john salinsky Poetry 54 Poetry choice Liz cashdan chooses a poem by josephine jaffa Poetry review eve grubin’s Morning Prayer reviewed by Liz cashdan Letter from israeL 55 agriculture under fire gerry kelman describes the practical difficulties of living near gaza Last words

56 houses and tents tamar s drukker explores how israel’s tent revolution enriched the meaning of these words c e n t r e s e c t i o n : P a g e s 2 9 - 3 5 t h r e e - m o n t h g u i d e t o e v e n t s i n t h e u k a n d B e y o n d cover picture: Queen esther seeking permission to speak; from the Queen esther mosaic series by Lilian Broca. see our article on page 48.