V O L U M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 1

2 LETTERS 3 FROM THE EdITOR WHAT’S NEW? 4 New Home for Wiener Library Radical Roots We are 10! 5 JR, MdA and help for Indian children IdENTITY

6 What Future for the European Jew?

Michael brenner explores the changes in Europe’s role in the Jewish world JUdAISM 8 An Eleventh Commandment

Rabbis from different strands of Judaism add a precept to the existing ten CROSSING CULTURES 10 Close Encounters Amongst dreaming Spires Graduates of the Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship and the Tikvah Institute interfaith workshop speak about their experiences HERITAGE

23 When the Congregants have left Sharman kadish on redundant synagogues being put to new uses


14 Timeline Susan kikoler 17 They Came bearing Gold Susan kikoler Two Remarkable Women 18 On a Roman Street Eli Abt on life in Ostia Antica

19 The pope and the Rabbi

An overview of the history of VaticanJewish relations by Susan kikoler 20 Leaving the Ghetto of the Mind

Vesna domany Hardy finds out what is behind the new vitality of the Jewish community of Rome 21 Micaela pavoncello

A tour with the super-guide 22 Fact File

32 HIGHLIGHTS 2001-2011 The best of the decade in Jewish culture

38 A decade of Jewish Culture in the Uk Geraldine Auerbach




FILM 39 Film Festival Judi Herman reviews two films and highlights other Israel screenings of Uk Jewish Film Festival THEATRE 40 Broken Glass Judi Herman’s review 41 Then and Now Emma bondor ART 42 Sigismund’s Watch – A Tiny Catastrophe Galit Mana talks to barbara Loftus about her new exhibition at the Freud Museum 44 Josef Herman: The Immigrant Monica bohm-duchen explores the influences the artist brought with him from Warsaw to Glasgow 46 THE bENEFACTORS Nasser david khalili david Russell meets one of the richest men in the world – and a collector of Islamic art bOOkS 49 David Breuer-Weil: Radical Visionary reviewed by Julia Weiner 50 Speaking up for God

The Great Partnership – God, Science and the Search for Meaning by Jonathan Sacks and david Gelernter’s Judaism – A Way of Being reviewed by david Weitzman 51 Scenes from Village Life by Amos Oz reviewed by deborah brooks

Lea Goldberg’s And This is the Light reviewed by Agi Erdos 52 Accident of Fate – A Personal Account 1938-

1945 by Imré Rochlitz reviewed by Vesna domany Hardy pOETRY 53 poetry Choice Liz Cashdan chooses poems by Joanna Ezekiel and Michael berg poetry Review Liz Cashdan looks at Evgeny Rein’s Selected Poems FOOd A Taste of Rome 54 Silvia Nacamulli on artichokes, aubergines and inventive thrift Spinaci con pinoli e passerine - recipe 55 In Search of Carciofi alla Giudia Vesna domany Hardy 56 LAST WORdS Judaeo-Roman

C E N T R E S E C T I O N : p A G E S 2 5 - 3 1 T H R E E - M O N T H G U I d E T O E V E N T S I N T H E U k A N d b E Y O N d