V o l U m e 9 i s s U e 1 o C t o B e r 2 0 0 9

2 letters 3 from the editor 4 what’s New CommUNitY 6 In a Minority at School Judi Herman talks to six pupils 6 Non-Jewish in a Jewish School Jeremy Williams on King David School, Birmingham

8 Habo folk

David Russell, Ruth Deech, Jonathan freedland and Dan Patterson on what the Habonim experience did for them iN memorY 10 Golda Zafer-Smith Janet levin and others 12 jUdaism aNd... Judaism and Satan the jews of wales

14 timeline Agi Erdos 15 the day Dr Herzl came to Cardiff

Simon Crammer 16 Packmen and Miners Michael Wallach 17 late one Saturday night in Ystalyfera... thelma Ruby tells her grandmother’s story

18 My llanelli

Extracts from Channah Hirsch’s evocative memoir 19 Post-war llanelli Janet levin talks to Michael Howard 20 Josef Herman in Wales

Monica Bohm-Duchen 21 Also Painting in Wales 22 the Welsh and the Jews

Jan Morris 23 Riots in tredegar Agi Erdos the Jewish Vicar Norman Cohen 24 Dannie Abse Judi Herman talks to the doctor poet 26 Why Wales? Janet levin

My Cardiff Ruth Joseph 27 A tale of two shuls 28 Mine host Janet levin




P A G E S 2 9 - 3 7 t H R E E - M O N t H G u I D E t O E V E N t S I N t H E u K A N D B E Y O N D

f i lm 38 the making of a festival Judi Herman visits the uK Jewish film festival as it prepares its programme mUsiC 40 Rivka Golani

Anthony Wilkinson profiles the great violist 41 Cantorial Curaçao

Malcolm Miller on a Caribbean CD art 42 Ben Shahn and the American Social Realists Katya Marshall on a new exhibition BooKs 44 Barry Davis revisits three novels of Sholem Aleichem 45 Gerald de Groot reviews Born to Kvetch by Michael Wex 46 Maureen Kendler reviews The Thoughtful Dresser by linda Grant; Barbara Michaels reviews Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean by Edward Kritzler 47 Driven to Innovate: A Century of Jewish Mathematicians and Physicists by Ioan James, is reviewed by David Herman 51 Young Readers Joel Coussins reviews Message in a Bottle by Valerie Zenatti PoetrY 52 Poetry Choice liz Cashdan chooses poems by Georgia Varvas and Wanda Barford Poetry Review Flowers of Perhaps by Ra’hel food 49 A taste of Wales: leek and potato soup and Welsh Cakes Ru t h J o s e p h letter from israel 50 two towns, two schools, two views Vivienne tankus in Zichron Yaakov and Naomi Meshasha in Netanya last words

52 Only in Hebrew tamar S Drukker

Cover image: Welsh Cottages Rhoda Hodes 2003, acrylic on canvas, 2’X3’ See p 21