V O L U M E 8 I S S U E 2 J U L Y 2 0 0 9


4 soas shows its esteem for Jewish studies ALTERNATIVES

5 why Cool Communities are hot

David Russell 7 the Brown Door agi erdos

FINANCE AND ETHICS 8 high Flying in high Finance – Consistent with Jewish values? Bill Benjamin 10 Champion of Business ethics – Glϋckel of hameln Jeremy Rosen


12 timeline Jack lukeman 14 one woman’s war eva Grlic 16 artists Galore... 16 alfred Pal, artist and illustrator tomislav Žaja 18 ...and architects 19 the Community now vesna Domany hardy 20 new spirit Defies new Borders 20 Dispute

Janet levin 22 Fighting neo-Fascism

THEATRE 30 Bringing hampstead to edinburgh Judi herman talks to Brian Daniels 31 Dr Korczak’s example natalie wood hinDus anD Jews PaGe 8

1980s in isRaeli aRt PaGe 46

letteR FRoM isRael PaGe 53

ART 32 whitechapel Reborn Monica Bohm-Duchen visits the Gallery 33 traces of Memory – the travelling exhibition from the Galicia Jewish Museum Kate Craddy 34 Jacques lipchitz Julia wiener 36 Down to earth angela levine talks to Micha ullman, israel’s prize laureate for sculpture 38 anatoly Kaplan – artist from the shtetl Rachel Bayvel LEARNING 40 a Beacon for yiddish: Paris and la Maison de la yiddish helen Beer BOOKS 42 Dealing with Complexity avi Pitchon on Waltz with Bashir 44 sharman Kadish reviews Belisario: Sketches of Character by Jackie Ranston; Judith Mirzoeff reviews The Sea of Azov, edited by anne Joseph 45 Smugglers by oyzer warshavsky, reviewed by Golda Zafer-smith 46 Kahn & Engelman by hans eichner, reviewed by David herman 47 young Readers isabel Benjamin reviews The Red Dress by Gaby halberstam POETRY 48 Poetry Review George Gömöri celebrates the hungarian poet Radnóti 49 Poetry Choice liz Cashdan chooses poems by witold henryk Gutt LETTER FROM ISRAEL 50 Business turns teenagers around Michele Klein FOOD 51 tastes from Croatia vesna Domany hardy LAST WORDS

52 saying it twice tamar Drukker

C e n t R e s e C t i o n : P a G e s 2 3 - 2 9 t h R e e - M o n t h G u i D e t o e v e n t s i n t h e u K a n D B e y o n D

Cover picture: Heredity, oscar nemon, plaster of paris, 33x10cm.. a cast stands on nemon's grave in wootton, oxfordshire, near his studio. Courtesy of the estate of oscar nemon see artists Galore page 16