Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Gone with the wind in Dominica 8 Game over for trophy hunters in Tanzania 9 The Chinese ‘cure’ for homosexuality 9 Mozambican men tackle domestic violence 9 Introducing New Zealand /Aotearoa Jacinda Ardern 10 War on Colombian coca-farmers threatens fragile peace 10 No room for dissidents in Georgia/Azerbaijan 11 Burundian radio in exile 11 Saving our underwater meadows Plus: Scratchy Lines by Simon Kneebone and
Reasons to be Cheerful
The Big Story – The Millennial Generation
l a m y S t o c k P h o t o
l e y/A
i s h
G u y C o r b
12 Arrested development Young people are stuck in a never-ending adolescence.
Yohann Koshy looks at how they are charting a way forward. 17 Fear of a young planet Wangui Kimari dissects the suspicious discourse around
Africa’s ‘youth bulge’. 18 Kids at work Three profiles of millennials engaged in different types of
work across the world. 22 Over the rainbow A new generation of post-apartheid radicals has come of age
in South Africa. Chris Webb examines why they don’t have the ‘patience’ of their parents. 24 Seize the memes of production A look at the role internet memes play in young people’s
political conversations. 26 A group of one’s own Hussein Kesvani reports on how social media has become a
therapeutic medium for young girls in Malaysia. 27 Laughing and crying A story of cause and effect doesn’t tell us everything about
social media and mental health, argues Marcus Gilroy-Ware.
Features 30 The Unreported
Year From Ukraine to South Sudan – stories and photos from around the world that you might have missed in 2017, compiled by Kelsi Farrington. 44 Making Waves
Fiery Filipino environmentalist Gina Lopez talks to Veronique Mistiaen.
Opinion 29 Mark Engler Reflecting on the vulgar reality of
extreme wealth. 38 Steve Parry The rebranding of a rotter.
PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.
i y a n a w a t t e / R e u t e r s
i n u k a L
Mixed media 39 Best of 2017 40 Film reviews Mountains May Depart, directed by Jia Zhangke;
Makala, directed by Emmanuel Gras. 41 Music reviews Plunge by Fever Ray; Bondeko by Toto Bona Lokua. 42 Book reviews The Growth Delusion by David Pilling; The Unmapped
Country by Ann Quin; The White City by Roma Tearne; Old Demons, New Deities – 21 short stories from Tibet edited by Tenzin Dickie. PLUS Also out there…
Regulars 6 Letters PLUS: Open Window, with guest
cartoonist Steve Bonello from Malta. 7 Letter from Cochabamba Amy Booth visits San Sebastian
women’s prison in Bolivia, where being on the wrong side of the formal justice system can have grave consequences. 36 Country Profile: Fiji 45 Puzzle page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet
cartoon. 46 And Finally The founding editor of New Internationalist talks about
the magazine – then vs now – and his latest novel.
J o h n
S a r a h
Coming soon: Black lives matter
Front cover illustration by Grace Attlee. Images used under a CC Licence, top to bottom: Xiaojun Deng; Chris Brown; U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/U.S. Fifth Fleet; attribution unknown –; Garry Knight; Michael Coghlan; Alberto Vaccaro.
Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
New I nter nat io nal ist ● January/February 2018 ● 5