Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Highway threatens Bolivian reserve 8 The alternative world cup 9 Docs not cops in Britain 9 Divided over driving in Saudi Arabia 9 Introducing João Laurenço 10 Rohingya crisis not new 10 Arms trade loophole 11 Whiteness is not rightness in Germany 11 Mexico’s anti-gentrification saint Plus: Scratchy Lines by Simon Kneebone and

Reasons to be Cheerful

The Big Story – Clampdown! 12 Whose streets? Across the world political space is shrinking. Richard Swift explains how and why. 15 From lectern to prison İştar Gözaydın was a professor of law and politics in Turkey until her government decided she was a terrorist. She tells her story. 16 How Turkey’s citizens lost their rights The low-down from Hakki Mahfuz. 18 You will agree Mandeep Tiwana on how repression becomes the rule. 20 Colonizing Civil Society Political strategists up to their tricks. Illustrated by

Jonathan Williams. 22 Are we all terrorists? Yes, pretty much, argues Scott Weinstein. 24 Defame, criminalize, murder That’s how to stop environment defenders in their tracks.

Leny Olivera Rojas and Sian Cowman report from Latin America. 26 Homage to Catalonia Kevin Buckland takes the long view of fearless resistance.

Features 30 While the world’s largest coalmine gets the go ahead...

Fighting against Australia’s Adani coalmine is an international struggle. Tom Anderson and Eliza Egret explain why. 32 ...Port Augusta gives coal the boot South Australia’s coal-fired powerhouse is going solar,

reports Dan Spencer. 34 Guerrillas gamble for peace ‘Each person must say we won’t do this again.’ Guerrilla leader Pablo Beltrán of Colombia’s ELN talks to Mónica del Pilar Uribe Marín. 42 ‘Every signature represented an act of courage’ In the teeth of government repression, West Papuan campaigners built a game-changing 1.8 million-strong petition. Danny Chivers found out how. 44 Toys from trash

Making learning fun for young minds around the world. Priti Salian reports from a classroom in Bangalore.

Opinion 33 Mark Engler confronts a culture of sexual violence 37 Chris Coltrane When comedy sides with tyranny

PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

Magazine designed by Ian Nixon and Juha Sorsa. Cover image: Juan Medina / Reuters. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.


Mixed media 38 Film reviews Dolores directed by Peter Bratt; Félicité directed and cowritten by Alain Gomis. 39 Music reviews Economic Partnership Agreement by Sven Kacirek and

Daniel Mburu Muhuni; Syrian Dreams by Maya Youssef. 40 Book reviews 1947 by Elisabeth Åsbrink; The Death of Homo

Economicus by Peter Fleming; Of Women by Shami Chakrabarti; With Ash on Their Faces by Cathy Otten. PLUS Also out there…

Regulars 6 Letters PLUS: Open Window, with guest cartoonist Doaa Eladl from Egypt. 7 Letter from Cochabamba Amy Booth on how Bolivians manage to do without their post. 28 Country Profile: Bahrain 45 Puzzle page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Acclaimed British-Indian musician Nitin Sawhney talks to

Subi Shah about colonialism, music as a passport to possibility and why he wants to be known as ‘someone who gives a shit’.

Coming soon: Youth

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