the agenda


‘A lot of our peers said, “You must be mad. What are you doing?”’ Jamie ritblat on a property deal that paid off, p46

NOvEmbEr/dECEmbEr 2017

the agenda 28 ThE SpEar’S WEaLTh iNSighT fOrum

12 EdiTOr’S LETTEr

14 WiLLiam CaSh 17 ThE SpEar’S LEadErS

How London’s sharpest minds debated our post-Brexit future

30 ThE givEr & ThE gifT

Sigrid Rausing and Hope Not Hate’s fight against extremism

Time for the EU to listen ❘ City job numbers ❘ Kim’s golden missiles

20 rEadErS’ LETTErS

The Common Reporting Standard


32 Liquid LuNCh

Alec Marsh meets millionaire matchmaker Inga Verbeeck

35 rObErT amSTErdam

How Trump’s disregard for laws could come back to bite us all

Global news, events and trends

24 diary

Rachel Johnson on Brexit, the Lord’s Prayer and the Apple Watch

25 ShOT bEfOrE daWN

Sir Oswald Birley launch

36 Sam LEiTh

Why true blue-bloods regularly turn the air blue

37 CEriS gardNEr

The global tax transparency drive is plotting a dangerous course

26 ThE hEdgEhOg

The latest in the HNW universe. Edited by Christopher Silvester

38 guy mONSON

How investors can emerge from the long shadow of 2008




the issues

42 ThE CuLTuraL

EvOLuTiON Chinese buyers have reshaped the wine and art markets with their extravagant spending sprees. By Olenka Hamilton

46 riT LargE

Jamie Ritblat, founder of Delancey, tells William Cash how he’s taking real-estate investment forward

52 WhiThEr uNCLE Sam?

James Rampton looks at where the US economy might be heading under Donald Trump’s unpredictable leadership

58 mayfair rELOadEd

From Annabel’s to ambitious newcomers, Mayfair’s clubland is reinventing itself, says Christopher Silvester