Regulars p. 3 Editor’s Note p. 6 The Q&A David Harvey, leading expert on Karl Marx p. 9 Witness News, comment and your letters, compiled by Samira Shackle p. 71 Crossword Set by Chaliapin p. 73 Quiz Set by Chris Maslanka p. 74 Endgame A trip to the doctor’s doesn’t go as planned By Laurie Taylor Contents Winter 2017
columns p. 8 Cosmos A tribute to the Cassini space probe By Marcus Chown p. 16 Free speech Who’s afraid of diversity in education? By Samira Ahmed p. 70 In a Word On the meaning of “referendum” By Michael Rosen
Massimo Pigliucci on Stoicism, page 42
“Change is coming, but I worry the backlash will take careful fighting” Samira Ahmed, page 16
Features p. 18 Reportage What’s behind the violence in Myanmar? By Francis Wade p. 22 Jobs The way we see work needs to catch up with reality By Rhian E Jones p. 26 Power What can a matrilineal community in China teach us about gender? By Angela Saini p. 30 Cover story How neoliberalism helped create the racist populism that is sweeping through Western democracies By Wendy Brown p. 38 Beliefs What happens when the members of an abusive fundamentalist cult refuse to leave it behind? By Rebecca Kenna p. 42 Ideas Why the ancient philosophy of Stoicism is uniquely suited to the modern world By Massimo Pigliucci p. 46 Extremism How the online culture wars gave birth to the alt-right – and why it needs to be challenged By James Poulter g e s
Ima i d g e man e / B r
, F r anc i s
P e t i tPa l a du
, M u se e i s
Pa r d e i l l e
Vl a d e
M u se e
New Humanist | Winter 2017