contents biography 25 Donald Rayfield
Stalin, Vol II: Waiting for Hitler, 1928–1941 Stephen Kotkin 26 Robert Colls
Churchill & Orwell: The Fight for Freedom Thomas E Ricks 28 Frederic Raphael
Stranger in a Strange Land George Prochnik at the cenotaph 30 Michael Alexander Remembering ‘For the Fallen’
opera 32 Kevin Jackson
History Is Our Mother: Three Libretti Alice Goodman 33 Tim Blanning
The Politics of Opera Mitchell Cohen footprints 36 Sara Wheeler on Moritz Thomsen’s The Saddest Pleasure animal life 38 Adrian Barnett
Monkeytalk: Inside the Worlds & Minds of Primates Julia Fischer • Voracious Science and Vulnerable Animals: A Primate Scientist’s Ethical Journey John P Gluck 39 Nigel Andrew
Mozart’s Starling Lyanda Lynn Haupt • A Sweet, Wild Note: What We Hear When the Birds Sing Richard Smyth 40 Jonathan Balcombe
The Animals Among Us: The New Science of Anthrozoology John Bradshaw memoirs 42 Michael Goldfarb
Mischka’s War: A Story of Survival from War-Torn Europe to New York Sheila Fitzpatrick • What You Did Not Tell: A Russian Past & the Journey Home Mark Mazower 43 Xan Smiley
Living the Cold War: Memoirs of a British Diplomat Christopher Mallaby 44 Jonathan Mirsky
China in Drag: Travels with a Cross-dresser Michael Bristow 45 Ian Sansom
Time Pieces: A Dublin Memoir John Banville general 46 John Naughton
World Without Mind Franklin Foer 47 Bijan Omrani
Travels in a Dervish Cloak Isambard Wilkinson 48 Christopher Coker
The Future of War: A History Lawrence Freedman 49 Tom Fort
Islander: A Journey around our Archipelago Patrick Barkham 50 Tim Richardson
The Curious World of Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn Margaret Willes 52 Gillian Tindall
Ancestors in the Attic Michael Holroyd fiction in translation 55 Joanna Kavenna
The White Book Han Kang 56 Adrian Nathan West
The World Goes On László Krasznahorkai 57 Michael Eaude
The Impostor Javier Cercas 58 Ada Coghen
My Cat Yugoslavia Pajtim Statovci fiction 59 Claudia FitzHerbert
La Belle Sauvage Philip Pullman 60 Adam Roberts
Gnomon Nick Harkaway 61 Jonathan Barnes
The Dreams of Bethany Mellmoth William Boyd 62 Kathy O’Shaughnessy
Love & Fame Susie Boyt 62 Lucian Robinson
First Person Richard Flanagan 63 Ian Critchley
Mother Land Paul Theroux 64 Philip Womack
The Accident on the A35 Graeme Macrae Burnet crime 66 Jessica Mann silenced voices 68 Lucy Popescu
35 Letters 52 Literary Review Bookshop 58 Crossword november 2017 | Literary Review 3